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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Delay is not denial

I can write a lot of big words, or I can simply share what is on my heart – but I have found that the heart is where the anointing flows, so here is my heart this morning:

When I arrived in Cape Town last night, I cried and cried and cried when I got home…because I don’t always get the opportunity to cry, you see. Abba then took me under His wing, and gave me this word: “Retha, I know about all my children’s pain, and heartache and the mourning. I know every step of the difficult roads they are walking, and I know how desperate they are. Still – I am God. And I am never late.”

Most of us know the story of Jairus that begged Jesus to come and help his little girl (Read Mark 5:22-43). Jairus begged Jesus to come and pray for his sick daughter because he knew she was dying. I think each of us can relate to Jairus in some way through the circumstances we have faced in our own lives. There was a desperation in Jairus’ voice when he asked Jesus to come to his house – Jesus had to come NOW, time was running out for his little girl. To Jairus’ frustration, there was a woman suffering from a flow of blood that crossed their path, and Jesus started talking to her. And like most of us woman are, she told Jesus her WHOLE life story, and that took so much precious time! And just like we can expect from Jesus, He gave her His full attention. Jairus is DESPERATE to get home, but Jesus is taking His time!

God knows how desperate you are, and how badly you want your prayer answered. Jesus also knew how desperate Jairus was to get home, and that is why He took a moment to tell him: “Jairus, don’t be afraid. ONLY BELIEVE!” I can only image what Jairus must have been thinking… BUT LORD!!!

No, when we start with BUT LORD! we can expect to hear Jesus’ voice that says: Don’t be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE! God is never late, He rules sovereign. Jairus was devastated and desperate about his situation, but in his pain he saw how Jesus extended His hand to an “unclean” woman, and gave her His undivided attention.

I am so thankful and humbled to know that Jesus makes time for the “unclean” and the “unholy”. There is hope for each and every one who feels “unclean” or “not good enough” today. If you are calling out to Jesus to deliver you from your “uncleanness” – my friend, He is the one stretching His hand out to you today!

Jairus was soooo desperate, but he saw there was a delay hindering him. Jesus uses the delays of life to teach us faith and patience. In every test and difficult circumstance that we go through, we learn about these wonderful characteristics of Jesus, as Christ is formed in us.

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing (James 1:2-4).

“Retha, I can heal thousands of people around you - while at the same time having My eyes on you.”

Jesus knows everything about you. He is busy teaching us the road faith. We need to believe His word, and be faithful to Him.


Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear.What can man do to me?” (Heb. 13:5)

This was just a short letter to share my heart, I will write again soon. May the Lord bless your spirit!


Retha and the family

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