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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Lead me, Lord Jesus

28 May 2020

Jesus said, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself... and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24

We all want to follow Jesus, but few of us are willing to deny ourselves. There is nothing that needs more denying than our own wisdom, our own will, even our own desires for our lives.

In our love relationship with God, through prayer, through obedience, through worship, our first step should always be, “I surrender all to You, dear Jesus.”

Whatever we do, needs to be done through Holy Spirit’s power and not by relying on our own understanding or desires.

Denying ourselves the right to understanding is often the most difficult part of the denying of self.

To follow Jesus’ plan for our lives, we need to surrender all. This enables us to silently wait on God. In His presence we will be overwhelmed with true humility and heaven’s gentle quietness will fill our hearts and minds.

There are days and situations where I know that I have done all I can in body, soul and spirit. I could do no more – other than trusting, relying and leaning on Jesus with all of my being. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and also the Spirit of Life.

The wonderful news is that Jesus promised us that His Spirit would abide in us, forever.  It is a tangible indwelling presence of God’s power in us that gives us life, strength and the answers we need in every situation we face.

Ask Jesus to fill you with His Spirit – it is the gift that has been promised to us all. You cannot live life without Holy Spirit leading you and guiding you.

Aldo once again fought for his life in the past week. We were back in the valley of death. There were two days that were really intense and with the Covid19 we could not even think of going to the hospital – there was no plan B.

As I was kneeling in front of his bed, Holy Spirit opened the veil and I could see the fight in the heavens. Through it all ...... in the very worst of moments, I experienced the most amazing revelations, the outpouring of His love and peace. Once again, I realised that the more I die, the more I experience God. The very worst becomes our very best – it doesn't make sense at all – but is so true. For He was right there with me – a very present help in trouble.

Life or death? What can separate us from God? I can truly testify of this.

I know our battle is not a fleshly battle. I will never stop fighting to be free from the Tree of good and evil. Or should I call it the Tree of death?

I am fighting what the enemy has stolen from us, our true identity. The enemy’s influence at conception and birth. I fight so that we can be set free from all that is wrapped in death, trauma, pain and iniquity. I fight to break the frame of death from our humanity so that the real self – our original design is revealed and we can live life in abundance. I fight, for my God is not a man that He should lie – His promises are true. His Word is yes and amen.

You may ask me why I continue? Why I still fight after all these years? There is a beautiful picture in nature that gives me the answer. The monarch butterflies yearly have to make their migration from Mexico to Canada. The journey is long and hard. It takes 4 generations of butterflies to reach Canada. Each generation has to go as far as they possibly can before they die. Then the next generation continue – until they reach their destination. I fight – and go as far as I possibly can – until Christ is formed in us. I want to give the next generation the best possible chance to succeed. 

My little children for whom I am again suffering birth pangs until Christ is completely and permanently formed (moulded) within you. Gal 4:19

We want our spirit-man to be blameless with the coming of the Lord. We all have to deal with the demonic curses, structures and rituals that anchor us into death and destruction. We fight to have life in abundance and no more killing, stealing and destroying. All that holds us back from the fullness of the Lord in our lives.

No minute of suffering is ever wasted!

I look at how gently He spoke to us in the night hours. This gives me so much hope when I see how Jesus dealt with each disciple according to their individual characters and needs.

When Holy Spirit steps into our personal situations, He meets our personal needs. He truly is the great Comforter.

Don’t give up my friend, the more we die, the more we experience God.

He is called “All Mighty God”.

And today I bless you with knowing with me, that God is in control and He has our lives in His hands.

Greetings out of Africa

Retah and Family

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