11 April 2018
A happy heart is a heart seeking after God.
When I am in the midst of difficult circumstances, I often find myself pondering what a “happy life” really looks like? When would you be truly happy? Is it when everything is perfect in your life? What are the requirements to be really happy?
I also ask myself what a blessed life looks like?
I read the prayer requests that I receive and notice how everyone seek happiness. When you look at the situation in our country, you cannot miss the reality of what is going on. But, deep in my heart I still believe, that we can be happy and live a life of abundance. It’s not determined by what we face.
I look at Aldo and see how he suffers with the trauma. We are all affected by it. Will I only be happy on the day that he is made perfectly whole? Is it possible to be happy in the midst of suffering?
I often do most of my thinking in the mountain with my dog, Moya. Up there, I can sit and stare at the beauty in front of me. There my spirit responds to the cry of my heart.
In the stillness of nature, I can hear my Abba’s voice, "Retah, those who pursue Me, find the path to the blessed, happy life. And when you possess a seeking heart, you will ultimately be positioned in the brightness of My pleasure – and be happy and blessed."
I take the words “possess a seeking heart” down the mountain with me.
A man with a seeking heart does not only seek God in his prayer time, or only in difficulties, but throughout every step of the day, no matter the circumstances or seasons.
When we become “God seekers”, we are trained by Holy Spirit, so that our soul leans upon God, in and for everything – yes, everything – even your happiness in life.
"Lord, I can feel how weak I become in difficult times?”
“Yes, my child, in your perfect weakness, I can show Myself as perfectly strong."
Abba Father wants us to develop a consciousness that depends upon the nearness of Jesus Christ in us. The difficult roads are used by God to wean us from our independence.
When we look at the life of Jesus Christ on earth, we see how He draws His spiritual substance from God the Father, as His only source. Therefore, the strength of our walk does not originate from within ourselves, but rather it comes from our love relationship with Christ – every day as we seek Him.
Our virtue, if it can be defined as such, is that we have learned to prioritize our seeking of God. A Godly character is the fruit and result of our oneness with God.
God is not only found in signs; no, God is even found in our sufferings. When we allow Him to be in control of every step – then will we start finding real happiness. Happiness is a choice we need to make every day.
I have come to understand that true happiness is only found in the ability to be one with Him. Our hearts are created to have a love relationship with the Father. In Him we will produce fruit, we will walk by faith and be overcomers in Christ.
When we depend on Him, trusting and living in the reality of His Word, we will be filled with the life of Holy Spirit; and in this is the treasure of true happiness.
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.
May our hearts stop seeking for happiness in our daily situations, for it is the nearness of Jesus Christ that is our pleasure and fountain of life.
I bless you as we continue to seek His face.
Love to you
Retah and family