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A seed of faith

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

26 July 2013

The Word talks about “great mysteries". One of these is that "everything of the Kingdom of YHVH must grow from a seed, supplied by God, through a supernatural growth process. People long to see the supernatural manifested. My friend this is one of the mysteries. It is all by faith through a seed from YHVH - a good seed in a heart of faith.We will become what we hear and believe in our hearts. The scripture says "As you believe, so be it unto you", "Your faith has made you well", "If you can believe,all things are possible to him who believes", “With YHVH all things are possible" "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he" – these all address and tell you about the importance of your believe system. What do you believe?

A seed (Scripture, thoughts, vision) planted in our heart’s soil becomes a "belief "as it sprouts. The belief becomes a conviction, and the conviction becomes our attitude, our attitude becomes our action. This is the supernatural process of bringing YHVH’s plans from His Kingdom to earth. By this process spiritual seed (Word, visions, visitations) from heaven becomes a reality.

The heart of man is where YHVH’s Spirit lives. Heaven and earth meets in the heart of man. The pure heart of man is like a fruitful garden. It receives spiritual seed from YHVH and grows into the natural world so that it will be visible for all to see. The soil must be moistened and protected by the life giving, brooding care of Holy Spirit. If we love Yeshua we will have an intimate relationship with Him, we will receive His seed and become pregnant with His plans for our lives.  If we, however, love another god as well, we will have a mixed seed inside of us. Mixed seed will never produce the pure fruit we want and will keep us from entering into the perfect destiny for our lives.

We cannot change our actions or character by trying hard to be a good person. No, we must change our believe systems.

Luke 8:15 But as for that (seed) in the good soil, these are (the people) who hearing the Word, hold fast in a just (noble,virtuous) and worthy heart, and steadily bring forth fruit with patience.

Patience is required to reap a harvest. This is the most difficult part for all of us. There is a space of time between the planting and the production. Our part is to patiently wait for the harvest and to take care of the soil and the growing seed or plants. Yeshua by His Spirit brings growth, but we have to provide a proper atmosphere, nutrients and care for the plants. Every time you and your spouse fight, you open the spiritual portal for Satan to send his demons to attack you and your family - you create the atmosphere.  But, when you don’t react in the flesh but out of YHVH’s love – you will be able to be patient and long suffering. His love opens the spiritual portal for Holy Spirit to pour out His dew love, causing the seed of faith to grow and grow till the full product becomes visible.

Many people ask why does it take so long? You have to remember the seed process. It will take as long as it takes us to get into the atmosphere of faith - a heart fully trusting Yeshua.

This all means....Holding on to the Word or vision, what Holy Spirit planted into your heart even when we cannot see anything with our natural eye. You will lose your vision,when you abandon it in your heart. Many worthy works off YHVH, planted in the heart of man, has failed to come into fruition because the “seed” was abandoned. It is like when a brooding hen leaves the nest one day to soon, all the eggs will come to nothing.

John 12:24 I assure you, most solemnly I tell you. Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains (just one grain; it never becomes more but lives) by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest.

Take care of the soil, keep it loose - don't let your heart become hardened - seed can’t grow in a hard heart. Keep it tender with forgiveness, love, mercy, kindness, patience...Keep out the weeds of useless and cursed words, negative or fearful thoughts like "you cannot do this" - these steel the nutrition.

Trimming and pruning is always part of the process, don’t sulk when you are pruned....Consider it pure joy!

To pray and meditate on Yeshua’s Word is experiencing the spiritual realm in the natural. It is living YHVH’s desires on earth. This comes where I come into a place of inner quiteness, were I seek His presence.

I believe with all my heart that YHVH will finish what He has started in Aldo and all our lives. I believe that we will walk this journey to the end and that we will be overcomers- the Remnant of Christ. I believe that His plans are plans of welfare, peace and hope for the final outcome - not evil (Jer 29:11). Yes, I believe YHVH is no man that He can lie. I believe that we have a job in this process to keep the weeds out, to clean the soil and to live a life in Him.That is our journey of faith.

This week, I am in the Kalahari, with the beautiful red soil and the wild bugs running around me. I went for a run, but found myself sitting under a tree with the quietness of nature surrounding me. Nothing, no money in the world can buy this! As I sat with my fingers playing with the red soil, I heard a soft gentle voice deep in my heart "Retah, just do what I ask you to do, don't look around. Stay in now conscious time, live in today - enjoy today,enjoy who I made you to be. Keep on running the race of faith - I want My children to be Overcomers - only through difficulties will you be able to overcome.Keep your eyes on Me, I Am the beginning and the end". With closed eyes and quiet soul I enjoyed the presence of my Abba Father. With my spirit I meditate on His words for me, I hear it, see it in my spirit and anchor it right there in my heart. If His words are not anchored the enemy can steal it.

I sat for a while and pondered over His words. Why is it that every one wants to do or be who someone else is? You are so special to Yeshua, be who you are and don’t try to be what or who someone else is. Remember, Yeshua is present – He is in “now”. You don’t need to see Him every night, to be special. You don’t need to hear all these special messages to be special - no! Just be who you are. No one is greater than the other. He loves the woman on the street as much as He loves you and me. Just be you ... filled with His love knowing that you are very, very unique. You have a special calling, and I find that it is the things that you do being His hands and feet even were nobody knows about, or sees it - that brings the blessing and the fulfillment. Stop trying to be so big - He manifests through the small and humble!

People around the world ask "can we come to your ministry to work for some weeks?" I say yes, but you have to do what we do - serve and love!

At the moment we have a young women visiting from Germany (Simone) for a couple of weeks. As she landed from Germany we had to catch a flight to the Kalahari at 4:30 the next morning. We are having a wonderful time ministering here. Last night she even had to try some local food. I am so, so thankful in my heart that I can today just enjoy life, appreciate life and celebrate life – it doesn’t matter where we are. People are so hungry for Yeshua and His love - so do not wait for a special alarm to go off in your life....look around you today and start loving all around you.

That is the greatest calling you can have! What a privilege to be His hands and feet. Whatever you do, don’t do it to be seen by man, but do it for the King.

Remember pray, pray, pray – love, love, love - and if you still don"t have your answer, keep on praying - that is the most powerful tool.

Stay in Him

Retah and family

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