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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Acts 7:55

Acts 7:55 “But him, being full of the Holy Ghost. Looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God. And Jesus standing on the right hand of God.”

It is so true that only the Holy Spirit can reveal the mysteries of God to us. People ask me sometimes to explain the things of the Spirit to them. How can Aldo write these letters or how can someone just out of a coma, with your help holding their hand; write how they saw Jesus?

The mysteries cannot be explained by our flesh or human reasoning, only spirit will be able to understand the work of the Spirit. God’s Kingdom is not for flesh and blood. Therefore, if you walk by faith and not by sight you should not get involved in arguments or try to explain spirit to flesh and blood. The Word of God said that the carnal man will call these things foolish. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. (John 16:13)

Holy Spirit is my “Revelator”. He reveals to Aldo the truths which he writes every day. Man cannot understand the secrets of heavenly things without the wisdom given to us by the Holy Spirit. Also flesh cannot explain these truths to flesh.

As you yield yourself to Him, He will take over in your life. He will fill you with Himself, and give you wisdom and knowledge concerning Jesus and the Father. This is called a Spirit-filled life.

What makes me cry is that this is only the beginning of what God had installed for us. He wants His children to live in the Spirit - in the fullness of Himself. People try so hard to explain all this with their head and mind. You will not be able to explain God!

Holy Spirit is in you, Jesus lives in your heart and you are a child of the Father. God has enabled you to live a full life in the Spirit. He has prepared the way to heaven for you and Holy Spirit will break the Word of God open to you.

It is only through the Holy Spirit that you will be able to understand the things of the Spirit. We need to learn much about the Holy Spirit and have an eager, teachable heart when He teaches us about Himself and the things of heaven. Holy Spirit is our Comforter, our Strength, and our Helper.

I can see how we grieve the Holy Spirit as we try to fight the things of the Spirit. In churches I see how they want prove what they cannot explain. Please do not grieve the Holy Spirit!!!! Please, do not try to explain it with your head. Holy Spirit can do what He wants, when He wants.

People do not understand being slain in the Spirit. It is what happens to you when He stands in front of you – His presence can do many things. In a meeting last week people later testified of being covered in gold dust – I cannot explain this, sorry – God is God and He can do what He wants.

With all these workings of the Holy Spirit - I have so many people on my case. Retha, we don’t want anything strange in our church???? All I can do is cry, because people do not know God and they do not understand the Holy Spirit. They are happy with serving God in the flesh but as soon as the Spirit takes over, they seek an explanation. 

Holy Spirit is our key to greatness and He is our covering. Through Him, the Glory of God shall be revealed. He is the One that teaches us heavenly revelations, knowledge, wisdom. Things the mind of man cannot understand.

I thank God that He took me to a place where the world and its arguments no longer confuse me. I do not even want to defend myself – God will do it for me!

All I see when people frown upon the working of the Spirit; is God sitting on His throne and seeing that His bride not ready yet. The bride is a Spirit Bride – you will not find her arguing in the flesh. You will find her in the Spirit, seeking the things of the Spirit.

God is Spirit! Walk in the Spirit!


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