5 December 2019
It is December and we all look back on a busy year. Our days are managed through schedules and carefully planned routines. And this is how we become set in our ways.
To be busy, is not the problem, but circling the same problem over and over again like a merry-go-round, is. Routine can make you look and feel busy, yet it can be futile – keeping you in a trance of doing and making very little progress.
For me, December is a time of reflection. It is a time of stocktaking and for making adjustments. There comes a day where we have to climb off of the merry-go-round of life, because our spirit becomes hypnotized and limited. The result is a boxed-in life in our own little world of struggles and striving.
My question is – are you making progress?
Did you see yourself grow this year?
Did you pray like Jabez – "O Lord, enlarge my territory”?
Did you break out of old patterns?
Did you shatter the molds of limitation and break open new ground?
Did you create, or did you work?
We need to make some serious decisions about our lives and stop the merry-go-round. We need to orient ourselves and begin the real journey of life into the Promised Land that God prepared for all of us. You only enter in by overcoming, step-by-step, walking the real journey of life. This is not, as some may think, a hiding place out of reality. No, it is the reality, from which I live my everyday life. It is the heart of the Father.
It is the place where I live and have my being. It is the place from which Christ teaches us, guides us and from where we are seated in heavenly places.
Only from this place can we bring Kingdom to earth. Here, there is only sonship and no yokes of slavery. In the heart of the Father, His love flows and we find rest for our souls. I think we need a spiritual awakening. I often look at people and see the "trance-like" state they are in. That is what a life on the merry-go-round does to us – lulling us to sleep, comfort and complacency.
When you are on this merry-go-round you just keep the routine day after day. The merry-go-round is like Christian programming. Every day goes according to one pattern – each day the same, but there is no progress. You get tired, but nothing changes.
This merry-go-round is also a generator for fear, stress and anxiety. Every day, you face the same battles – keeping our minds and emotions occupied – with no slowing down. Around and round we go. But, when we stop for a moment and invite Holy Spirit to wake us – we will suddenly see what has really been going on within us. It takes courage to be willing to let go of the comfortable merry-go-round ride of life which I thought was real. Few are willing to start walking "In Spirit of Truth" and behold the Kingdom of God.
God tries to wake us up through many situations, but we choose to turn our backs and just go back to sleep. We want that which is comfortable and familiar – the place where we are in control. People are so afraid to let go of control and to surrender to God. It is hard to realize that many of our preoccupations are meaningless and yet have taken up decades of our lives.
I can choose today to open the first love gate within me and to be guided by Holy Spirit, walking in His ways, guided by His love. He is waiting to walk this journey with us step-by-step helping us to overcome. The Blood of Jesus Christ carries the power to transform us into His image and likeness – as a son of God. Your whole life will change when you give Holy Spirit access to your life.
But on the merry-go-round, we drown Him out with our worries, our work, our ways, our routines, our self-control, striving and preconceived ideas. Let’s use this holiday season to get quiet. Ask the Lord to awaken us, so that we can see clearly with our spirits what this life on earth is really about. It will all be meaningless if we did not first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness so that all the rest could follow.
Jesus Christ is alive and wants you and me to live a life of abundance in Him. Step-by-step walking the real life – not living in the trance of the Merry-go-round. We just came back from Israel and it was once again life changing! We will be taking a summer tour in June 2020. If this is the desire of your heart, please pray about it and join us.
For years, I could not take Josh with, because it was always exams in November. So finally, he will be joining us in June 2020. Every year I see how God touches people's spiritual hearts as the first love door opens. His love just flows and flows! See you June 2020 in Jerusalem. All in God’s will.
I just want to thank you all for your love and thank you that we can learn and grow together. Have a wonderful time in God’s rest.
Love from mine to yours
Retah and family