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Be thankful in everything!

Writer's picture: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

I am back home after a trip to Israel with the Sid Roth Ministry. It was amazing! The land, the people, the roots, and the love we share for one God.

I have a deep desire inside of me that keeps on crying out: “Lord! Show me Your ways that I may know You!” (see Ex 33:13) Moses who saw all kinds of miracles cried this petition. He saw the water turn into blood at his command, the plagues, the firstborn of Egypt destroyed and many more – but still he cried out with a hunger for more of God... “I need to know You more mighty God!” I realized that it doesn’t matter what you have seen or experienced in the past, it is that deep longing inside of you for more of God that matters. “Lord I want more and more and more of You!” If you don’t have that longing, you will not survive the divine journey that God has planned for you. 

If you have that hunger for God you will not neglect the two vital functions of your walk with God: The Word of God and Prayer. It is the Word of God that causes us to grow and develop spiritual muscles. You will never develop a loving intimate relationship with Yeshua if you don’t love fellowship and intimacy with Him. That is nurtured with communication – reading your Word, loving the Word, spending time with Him and conversations (prayers) with Him.

With this I don’t mean a legalistic relationship with God and His Word. That leads to bondage. The love relationship we have with Yeshua is one of freedom! I spoke to so many people on the trip that struggle to find this love relationship with Him.  You see, only with a steadfast, radical, obedience to God, can the authority of God flow through you. The more we depend on God and not on our own ability, the more we will find ourselves in intimacy with the King. And out of that intimacy, God releases His authority. You know, we can do nothing for God without the anointing and authority that comes from total dependency and intimacy. We need the Spirit of God in order to function effectively.

God spoke to Moses and said: “Go and tell them to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5) Make sure your motive is LOVE; then the Spirit of the Lord can fill you daily as you learn to listen to His voice and co-operate with His spirit.

While I was in Israel, Aldo went to hospital for the sixth time this year. Finally, the doctors acted upon what he wrote. They removed the old shunt and put in a new one. He must be so frustrated with all of us, because when he wrote that his shunt was broken after the blockage in his stomach, we all thought, “Can it be?” But he didn’t get better until the shunt was replaced. He was on his face for nearly a day – and then he wrote these short letters: “tell them the shunt is broken...”

Letter 1:

Go to the doctor, he will help me.

Letter 2:

Jesus says He is in control.

Letter 3:

Do you know that Jesus is here with us now?

Letter 4:

Wisdom says: Just keep on doing what you are doing.

Letter 5:

Jesus paid the price for my healing. He says I will be better from now on.

Letter 6:

Wisdom says God says my brain is hurt. Please phone (the doctor). Wisdom says my brain has water.

Letter 7:

He shows my cells are swollen.

Letter 8:

Brain. Water.

Will you phone him (the doctor) soon?

Tell them to look at the shunt.

The shunt is not working.

My brain is hurting very very much.

Letter 9:

What you prayed tonight is going to happen.

Letter 10:

Please phone the Doctor in Cape Town.

Letter 11:

My brain is hurting, go to the hospital.

Letter 12:

Wisdom says we must go to the hospital now. He says they must look at my brain water.

Letter 13:

My hart is sad because of my brain that is hurting so much.

He is back at home now, still very weak, but so strong in the Lord. Tinus told me during the time when he stayed with him in the hospital, they had an incident where Aldo went to the toilet and fell on his knees to pray and the cried out loud, “Please Daddy, bless me! Please bless me!” Tinus, with tears in his eyes picked him up and carried him to his bed. He was too weak to walk. Then Tinus put him to the bed and blessed him. “Thank you, Sir” came Aldo’s soft reply, “thank you that you listen to what I write.”

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to try and convince a doctor that this child, who was so confused a few moments ago when the pressure on the brain was too high, wrote that they must replace the shunt because it is broken.  For some reason Aldo will never speak these things that Wisdom tells him. He only writes them.

Glory to Wisdom that revealed all these things to Aldo. And this is also available for all of us to hear Gods voice so clear. He is there to help us with everything!

This morning he stood in my bathroom, and I saw something was wrong. He stood frozen for a few moments, not even blinking an eye. It seemed to me as if he was frozen in the spirit. After about 10 minutes he came into the room where Patrys and I were sitting and he said: “Jesus was just with me! He drew a cross on my mouth.” How blessed are the meek!

I am rejoicing because we are going for our summer holidays soon and Aldo is healed! It is now only the recovery process that lies ahead. Aldo and his teacher, Ma’am Patrys, are going to a summer school convention where he is participating in a competition entitled: “Soul winning for Christ.”

Josh is so happy about his tallit (prayer shawl) that I brought for him from Israel. Because he used mine some time ago to play tent-tent and then the power of God fell upon Him and he started to speak in tongues. He ran towards me with big eyes while speaking his new found heavenly language. Now he can play tent-tent while praying under his own tallit! It is just so amazing to cover yourself from the world while praying.

We are busy to get some English teachings in MP3 format ready to download from the website. We are hoping to have this ready by January so that all around the world people who partner with us will be able to receive a free monthly teaching on MP3.

Yes, I will listen more closely to what Aldo writes! Because Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me about this, “What more confirmation do you need, Retha! I speak through My beloved who loves Me!”

It was amazing how he wrote in detail about my trip to Israel and what happened there. He even knew about the angelic visitations I had! Praise the living God!!!!!

It is our office year-end function tonight and I stand in awe of what God did this year. As a team we are coming together in thanksgiving for the goodness of God that He poured out on us this year. Yes, there were trials – but through each trial He carried us through, so we have reason to always rejoice, regardless of the circumstance! My assistant Judike also come back from a two week tour of Israel with a group called Daughters of Zion. She is bubbling over because of new revelation of who Yeshua is in her life, and what it means to be His bride, His beloved, and a daughter of the Most High King. It is so important that Yeshua is real, in a very personal way, to each one of us. Only then can we worship Him in spirit and truth.

Yes, surely mercy and unfailing love shall follow us all the days of our lives! (Psalm 23)

I bless you in the name of Yeshua.


Here are some more photo's taken in Israel. Remember, pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

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