9 October 2018
Believe with your heart and not your head.
We have this most wonderful gift called ‘faith in Christ’. This gift enables us to believe with all of our hearts – without having to understand all that we are going through. The instructions on this gift reads, trust Me, knowing that I will lead you and not forsake you – no matter what you are facing!
In my life, I have found that you cannot trust God the way you should. In order to trust Him we need to know Him. This ‘knowing’ is to be one with Him. It calls for a deep level of love, called intimacy. The truth is - some journeys are just tough! The only way through is to spend time with God allowing Holy Spirit to lead you into the heart of the Father.
To the place called ‘to be one with Him’.
To believe with my heart means that I keep on trusting God, independent of the evidence that I face and the inputs my senses receive. This trust, takes you into a very safe place – a peaceful place. And when you experience this peace (being in the heart of the father) you will understand that it is possible for you to live life to the fullest and still walk through the valley of death.
We need to believe first with our hearts and then we act on what we believe. Our intellect doesn’t always understand the walk of faith. Faith goes beyond our mind’s understanding.
The walk of faith will never agree with your head, or make logical sense. Faith in God is being rooted and grounded in Love and trusting in God.
I look back at our life and see how many times in the midst of darkness we couldn’t see anything, but we made a choice to keep on trusting God and to stay rooted in His love.
We are the sum total of the choices we make in life. One of your best choices will be to trust God – even if you don’t understand what is happening. If you are willing, Holy Spirit will teach you what is going on in the spirit realm and how to fight it. But, not many people want to walk this road. Most people are happy to run from or just numb the pain.
I believe with all of my heart that Jesus is no man that he can lie. He said He came to set the captives free and to heal their broken hearts. But, we have to come to Him, crying out to Him as our only source and allow Him to start dealing with our pain and trauma.
Healing is not only physically but, also emotionally. Trauma experiences shake the foundations of people’s beliefs about safety and shatter their ability to trust.
Removing the effects of trauma can greatly help us all to regain the capacity to get healed and grow in our love relationship with God. Unfortunately, trauma affects us on so many levels, emotionally, spiritually and physically. This can easily leave you feeling overwhelmed. But, Holy Spirit knows the way through.
Trauma sits on cellular level and most medicines just helps blocking or numbing the pain. As long as the trauma remain inside of the cells it gives the enemy legal right and access to torment us. The invitation to the enemy is our cursed generational family lines, unresolved issues, sin as well as our trauma and pain. These are the doorways to our DNA and makes the altering of our genes possible by attaching a seal (the science of epi-genetics) onto our cells. These seals can alter our identities and destinies. With these seals in place people’s characters change, they can become ill and adapt new behaviors like becoming addicted. Most, of these apparently unexplained.
God has composed a specific life song for each of us. It is written on our spirits. It is called the scroll of our life. When this song goes off key with false notes of fear, stress, unbelief, anger, bitterness and the like – the melody changes and our lives become off key. God has such a great plan for your life, but we need to find the real me. The true tune – the scroll of my life.
Although Aldo had a severe brain injury, I will not stop helping him to find that special melody again. The trauma was used by the enemy to kill, steal and destroy. But, all this can be restored and healed by the Blood of Jesus Christ. It is a journey with very few short cuts but, nothing is impossible with God. If you are willing, ask Him today, to lead you on the pathway of healing. Let Holy Spirit guide you and help you step by step.
Remember we are body, soul and spirit.
Trust God with all your heart, He wants to heal you and set you free from the bondage of pain, worries and trauma. Let’s make a choice and start trusting God for our restoration.
When I worry, I agree with Satan, and I start to carry the heavy burden of fear. But, when I put that heavy burden down and trust God then, I come in alignment with God’s Kingdom and the enemy cannot make me tired and bring me down.
Deut 30:19 I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live
Run the race of faith my dear friend – don’t quit – God is with you in the midst of it all.
Retah and family