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Believe with your heart – not your mind!

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

25 August 2016

Believe with your heart – not your mind!

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance for the things hoped for, the evidence of the things not seen

The world is upside down, but we as children of God have His promises and His Word that leads us into a victorious life. We have nothing to be afraid of in the times that we are in. We have His protection and we have faith in YHVH! We live in God’s Kingdom, which is the complete opposite of the kingdom of the world.

The problem is that people don’t live by faith – but by ‘sight’. And the ‘sight’ makes them fearful. People live in unbelief. Maybe it is because we live according to and focus on the world and our own strengths. You will not be able to stand in your own strength, your own ability or power.

The Word of YHVH says, ‘Have faith in God’ – meaning – believe God.

Genesis 15:6 Abraham believed in the Lord. This is the most wonderful walk – it is called the supernatural walk.

We can only believe as far as we know. That is why YHVH gave us His Word as instruction, to teach us ‘how’. Holy Spirit will speak to your spirit as you seek Him. Many people believe with their intellect (head). They fail and become tired and discouraged.

Rom 10:10 says believe with the heart. That means that we have the ability to believe independently of what we sense and what our intellect tells us. It means that we can believe YHVH’s Word irrespective of what is going on around us. This makes me so excited, because I know that my walk of faith taught me these lessons. Yeshua said to me, “Without faith in Me, you will not be able to walk the walk of faith. But as you trust Me , you will see how streams of living water will flow out of your inner being. You will taste Me and that is called tasting miracles every day of your life.”

Faith is much deeper than the intellect of man. Isn’t YHVH just amazing! He is such a fair God. What if my intellect was not as good or strong as yours? What if intellect was the key to hearing God’s voice! What would happen to brain injured people? Wow, thank You Abba, you are a wonderful God. You don’t even use the wiring of our brains to speak to us – but only our hearts. The walk of faith will never make sense with your mind and intellect. When you have a hardened heart, you will have difficulty in trusting YHVH with your heart.

YHVH is only using what you believe with your heart to create the miracle. Faith is the ‘substance’ of the miracle. Without substance, there will be no miracle. Just like when you bake a cake. You can have the recipe, but without ingredients there will be no cake. Faith is the ‘substance – ingredients’. Our hearts was designed by YHVH to believe His Word. If we continually put the Word of God in our hearts and believe the Word, we will be able to see what Abraham saw – a faithful God!

The challenge is to keep your faith where your circumstances are not yet in line with the promise.

To keep your faith, means to keep seeing with your heart. That is the number one reason people do not receive from YHVH. They are not able to anchor their promise by faith (in belief) in their hearts.

YHVH is saying to you and me today, “Doubt not in your heart, I AM a faithful God”. Our hearts were designed to believe His Word. Don’t be led by your head, but be led by faith!

Thank You Lord, I choose faith in You, I choose to believe – even when I don’t see anything yet.

I am very excited about the times we are living in. For those who do not want to sort out the darkness in them, it will become darker. And for those who repent and deal with the darkness in them, it will become lighter.

Aldo wrote a letter this morning and one sentence stood out for me: ‘I see how the fire of destruction is burning inside of people. And that makes them cry and cry and cry.’

If that is you my dear friend, Yeshua, Jesus our Messiah is waiting for you to invite Him into your darkness – your unbelief. Pray with me right now: “Yeshua, please enter into all the darkness inside of me. I don’t even know them by name. I just know my life is falling apart.” Just like David did not know what was so dark inside his heart. That is why he asks YHVH to show him the dark secrets inside of him.

Walk by faith, seek God YHVH and He will give you rest.

I had a wonderful, wonderful time in the USA. Thank you so very much for all my friends. I love you all dearly. I pray that God will water the Word for a hundred fold harvest.

Back home every one is well and blessed. I don’t focus on the bad or the sad, but lift my head up high and look into the Kings face, because you become what you gaze upon.

I love you and bless your spirit in Yeshua’s name.

Retah and family.

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