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Blessed be your name across the earth

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

From the United States of America to my dear beloved family at home – Moms are so uniquely put together … How I miss you all. But as I know – you know – we are called for this.

So, this is today - Thursday.  Every day is NEW for me.

“Beloved I say to you, who of you will follow through?”

While you read this, please bow your spirit before Holy Spirit as He BESEECH us to only fear Him alone.  Notice, Him alone.  No man will be able to reveal to us HIS kingdom come, His will be done in our hearts right now. How blessed are we.

The ONE who saved my soul.

For those of you who wondered about these words “I am who God says I am,” this is He who sits on the throne of ours hearts and say to yours and mine ... ”Blessed be you who come in the Name of The Lord King All-mighty.”

So come today, and give yours to Him.

Sound mind as I pray, have Your way in ours.

So yes, I am so blessed by all the people I meet every day. Yesterday I was in a hospital praying for a beloved of the Lord ... How do we say no if someone is in need of prayer?  I went and was so surprised by the handmade wooden floors in the rooms, or was it the friendly personal or was it just Holy Spirit that followed through what He planned to do yesterday through His touch. Yes, that it is… His touch is what we all are longing for – IF NOT NOW, WHEN???

What a surprise it was for me when I prayed and asked Jesus if He don’t think my body rather needs rest before I went?

“If not now, when?”

Spending time with Jesus means - REST in faith. He will follow through, as stated in His Word...

Whatever Jesus Christ has started in your life, He will finish the race strong with us.

Mending hearts is what I see Him doing wherever I go.

How would I know that, because my heart changes every time I see Him touch a soul.

But more so … spirit to spirit He said to me ... WIDE OPEN ARMS IS WHO I AM TO YOU WHO ASK OF ME TO TOUCH YOURS TOO.

So do not fear little ones, He will never be late for ours.  Separated sprit and soul – as we say ”I am -  who You Jesus Christ made me to be.”

Brethren, how does that sound?  Or, BELOVED… how that makes my little heart smile.  Why … because He is who I love and who loves you as well.  Continue to say out loud “I am loved by The King Most High God.”  Kings, kingdoms bow before His Name ... So why not we?  Mending hearts spells out BLESSED ARE WE.

Surprise it was or not ... the King’s children had prepared a feast for last night.  Blessed, happy, fortunate am I who can say that kindness of heart is what I do experience here in the States.

Kindness spells love, spells grace on those who it falls.  As I prepared my heart for tonight’s meeting, I heard the Lord speak to me and say …  Will you follow through?

“Prepare our hearts for the fullness of Revelation knowledge.”

Freshmen, sound the alarms ... Worthy is the King who BESEECH … On a donkey He enters in.

Those who ask for TRUTH will notice this is the times of preliminary doctrines to break out and cry…Holy Holy Holy, worthy is the Lord God ALMIGHTY.

Let’s continue to cry out loud … save my soul from destruction dear Lord.  What did I miss for all these years ... Dear Jesus, for yesterday I was blind, but by Your grace and mercy You are busy unfolding the REVELATION OF CHRIST.

So, from friends to friends – hold on tight.  Never give up hope.

Least I can say is ... let’s bow before I have to go for this night’s meeting.

Dear Jesus, how thankful I am for Your grace that spells out NO MORE……

Hallelujah!!!!!! … I heard my spirit jump up. Yes, that is me who wrote to you - you and I have not yet seen what God is busy mending us for.

Well said spirit man of Retah, well said.

Let’s raise a Hallelujah – for the King is announcing NEW WINE is pouring out tonight.

Praise His name.

Forever and ever Amen.

For mine 😘   

22 March 2024

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