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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Celebrating YHVH's great dance for your life

So many people just live everyday. But life without the rhythm of His heartbeat is always unfullfulling.  Only a life dancing to His heartbeat is a life worth celebrating. But Retah, how can I dance and celebrate life if I can't hear His voice? It is important for me to hear His voice, if not, I will not be able to dance the melody that YHVH created for my life.

Is 30:21 And your ears will hear a word behind you,saying, This is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.

How can we, as the Body of Christ function, if we can't or won't listen to our Head? We don't want to be a body separated from it’s head, yet that's the condition of much of the church - the Body of Christ, today. YHVH wants to have an ongoing, verbal love relationship with us. Hearing His voice is an absolute essential to our walk with Yeshua. If we want to be an instrument in the Master’s hands, we must be able to be guided by Him. What a huge advantage this gives us! It takes the responsibility for healing and deliverance out of our hands and leaves it where it should be - in Yeshua’s hands.

This week as I ministered in Cape Town, I saw once again, how the Word of the Lord went directly to someone in the audience. Spot on! To hear YHVH’s heart about his situation brought deliverance and healing to his broken heart. I did not know the person at all. He asked me with tears running down his face - how did you know? I did not know sir - but Your Abba Father knows everything about you, and all He asks of me is to focus on Him and to listen to His voice and then Holy Spirit does the rest.

Hearing the voice of YHVH does not come automatically. You need to have an awareness that YHVH would like to speak to you on an ongoing daily basis. We need to learn how Yeshua talks to us, whether in a "still small voice", through visions, dreams, nature, His Word, people, your child's arms around your neck, or just in a smile. Expect Him in everything and everywhere.

Interesting how people hear their Goliath’s voice better than YHVH’s. YHVH promises that we will knowHis voice.  As in every relationship, however, we have to learn to recognize His voice by hearing it over and overagain. Getting to know His voice is true even for the Lord’s voice (John 10:4).

Keep in mind that His Kingdom is a kingdom of faith. As we walk by faith and get to know His voice and start listening to it in total obedience – then, we can flow in His gifts and become His hands and feet. Keep communicating with Him, tell Him everything, even your emotions and your pain. You can share everything with Him - and so you become more focused on Him than on your situation.

In my life, I have learned, the hard way, that my love relationship with Him is more important than anything on this earth. Because in Him, in His righteousness, I have peace, love, hope, strength and endurance.  This is where I focus on Him and know who He is – far stronger and wiser than anything I would ever need to face.

For the past week I ministered in Cape Town. Last night I was in one of the most beautiful small towns in the Wine lands. I saw how the elderly people sat and drank in the Word of YHVH, I could see the trust in them. How I praise the Lord that we all are laying down our old ways of thinking. No longer focusing on who is right and who is wrong, but embracing Yeshua’s love. In this is healing and freedom for all.

This was a busy week for me, but I always love to share my heart with you. Thank you for all the e-mails from around the world where you also share your heart with me. In March Josh and I are going to the USA. I can take him with me where I’m  ministering because it is school holidays. We had a house meeting and said "Josh, we know that you also had to deal with pain on this journey of ours.  Mom and Dad want to bless you to go with me on this trip. Dad is paying for you, but remember money can never make up for pain or loss, but we just want to bless you with this trip, knowing that we saw the price that you paid – all those nights when we could not give you any attention because we were so busy with Aldo, so this is just to say ‘thank you’  that you hold on to Yeshua. Thank you for the strong example of His love that you are for us all. ” He smiled with his hand in the air and said: “Thank YOU Yeshua  - You truly hear my prayers!!!! You are so good to me!’”  with tears in all our eyes we could see how our Abba loves us and encourages us all to keep on going.  Aldo smiled and said to him:  “I will have my turn again don't worry about me.” We just smiled at how Aldo handled it.

Late last night I phoned my hubby, and we talked and laughed over the phone – this is so precious to me. I love his company, I love his love for me. Just the way I am. I could share with him how the airport’s trolly had no brakes and there was this long down hill, so all I could do was run - while everybody was walking looking stylish. I ran with such speed down there and could only laugh out loud. As the tears came out of my eyes because of all the laughter, I could see how my Abba was smiling with me healing me more and more through laughter. The people recognizing me were staring at me - but I could not stop laughing - all I saw was how I was celebrating the dance of my life. Some days are good, and some days less good - but I choose to celebrate life!

I still have a weekend to go here in Cape Town - On my way to praying for coma patients at two hospitals and from there the weekend seminar. I love you all and so, so, so thank you for all your contributions to the ministry, without your support, prayers and love we would not be able to do what we do. We so appreciate your seed and we pray for a 100 fold harvest in YHVH’s kingdom.

Have to go now, love Retah

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