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Difficult trials – Seek His Will above anything else

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

28 July 2016

Difficult trials – Seek His Will above anything else

Ps 66:10-12 ‘You have tested me O God. You have refined me as silver is refined. You allowed me to be trapped in nets. You allow heavy, oppressive burdens to be laid on my back. You allowed men to ride over my head. You took me through the burning fire and then through icy cold water. But finally, You brought me into a place of spiritual abundance and anointing, where my cup is now overflowing with blessings to multitudes of people.’ – free paraphrase

We will all go through trials and difficulties in life. But, we learn from them and become more mature. In these times we have to inquire from the Lord what to do, and how to do it.

I read in 2 Samuel 2:1 ‘David inquired of the Lord’, in fact it was David’s habit, especially early in his life, to seek the Lord in and for everything!

In 2 Samuel 5:17-25 we read of two battles against the Philistines in which David also sought the will of God, YHVH. I don’t think we understand how important it is for us as His children to seek YHVH’s will and to choose His perfect will for our lives. If not, we lose the battles and we become weary of all the difficult trials. In this particular battle of David, YHVH changed the strategy of each attack and David won the battles. David discovered that there is not a set formula involved or a recipe to serve YHVH. His Wisdom is custom made for every circumstance – the God who knows the end from the beginning. This is why it is so important to always inquire from the Lord to receive a ‘now’ word from Him. Because only He knows what is the best for us to do. It is called His perfect will for us.

I believe this is a lesson we can all learn – to always seek the will of YHVH in and for your lives. Only when we seek and do the will of God do we experience the anointing of God. When we move out of His will or do not care to consult Him, there will be no anointing – but soul feeding.

David walked with God, but he became arrogant and he did not seek YHVH in certain matters of his life. He was yearning after his own heart and desires.

He got married to six wives – 2 Samuel 3

He called Bathsheba to his place – 2 Samuel 11

Out of pride he took a census of Israel – 2 Samuel 24

For all these failures in not asking YHVH’s will – he paid a very high price. The failures of God’s children in His Word, encourages me more than the descriptions of their successes. We have all failed to ask His will in so many instances and on so many occasions. If you ask me what is my greatest failure in life? It will be by far ‘not always asking God’s will, but doing my own will.’

It is because of a lack of wisdom that we seek our own will. But YHVH God in His mercies picks us up when we fail and still make us men and woman after His own heart.

The men of Judah came and anointed David over the house of Judah. Then later he was anointed king over Israel. He was 30 years old when he became King over Judah. He had to wait for another 7-8 years before he ruled over Israel. That is about 20 years of waiting before YHVH fulfilled His promise to him. Abraham had the same kind of waiting time. Sometimes the waiting becomes so intense that we cannot wait any more and then we do our own will.

David never grabbed the throne for himself, he waited on God. What would have happened if he did not take Bathsheba – how different would his life story be - if he had asked God’s will and waited patiently on His perfect will and timing.

I look at Solomon who never learned to wait for anything. He was born in comfort and had a life without many trials and pressures. In the end, I feel sorry for anyone that has not learned to wait on God. Who has not learned that the only will is YHVH’s will for their life. It is far better to receive from God, than to grab hold of things for yourself, out of your own will and desires.

Seek Gods will above everything else. “Your will Abba Father, not mine.”

Josh and I had a wonderful time in Indonesia. I want to thank the people who helped us to go and print the books, as well as all the churches in Indonesia who welcomed us.

I am leaving for the USA on Saturday the 30th of July for two weeks. And as I prepare to go, I constantly hear Holy Spirit saying, “Pray – My Will alone for the people of America”.

I greet you in the wonderful Name of Jesus our Messiah

Retah and family.

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