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Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

3 February 2021

The Bible says that:

“Those who endure to the end will be saved” (Mat 10:22) and that

“if we endure, we will also reign with Him” (2 Tim 2:12).

Endurance has two aspects:

The first aspect has to do with commitment on your part. It means not giving up and having a determination to see a thing through to the end. The second aspect focuses on God Who is always able.

I have learned that whatever God calls us to do, He also gives us the grace to accomplish it.

Sometimes, we might feel that it’s impossible to see a matter through to the end. This might in fact be the reality of what you are facing in your life. But when we come to the end of our capabilities, then we see that God continues by doing the impossible. Only through Him will we be able to endure to the end.

I don’t consider it to be a negative thing coming to realize that you have come to the end of your plans, strength and solutions. It is then, that we get to know God as the God of the impossible – coming through for us, picking us up and carrying us through.

No man needs faith to do what is possible. We rely on ourselves when we have everything under control. It is sad but true that only when we are faced with the seemingly “impossible situations” in our lives, do we start to exercise our faith. Only later do you realize that the things you thought you had under control, was in fact not, because you held on to it, still wanting to resolve it your way.

When you start waking up to the truth that “I need God in every step I take, not only in those that I have no answers for,” that you will be able to endure. For He sustains, guides and leads you every step of the way.

Endurance is a key to God’s healing processes in our lives. It is by giving up, that we give in to anger, unforgiveness, rejection, criticism, mistrust or whatever negative mindset and behavior is your default.

Many a time we believe that God is going to take away our situation or problems in just one moment. But I had to learn not to see it as a disappointment, or to think that God doesn’t hear me when things don’t work out the way I planned it. It is when I look back on my journey that I can see that God has used these situations to strengthen my endurance. Abba Father is leading us in a process that is preparing us ultimately to reign with Him.

He builds our character and that comes through our enduring of difficulties and learning to make the right choices. Let us therefore not lose heart, our Abba is preparing us for eternity. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed every day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.

So, let’s not run aimlessly, even when we fail. It is when I am tired and very aware of my humanity and circumstances that I hear the enemy say: “It is just too difficult, you won’t make it, it’s not going to get better.” He always tries to discourage us to a point of giving up.

But, in Christ, there is just no quitting!

Even if you have failed, you can still get up because Jesus is ready to pick you up. We cannot endure by ourselves, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Yes, there are days that I am weak, and my heart is silent, but when I look up, I look into the eyes of the One that is strong.

Greater is He that is within me, than he that is in the world.

Let us anchor our faith in Jesus, knowing He is at work in us. The days when we struggle, we have to remind ourselves that it is just all part of the overcoming and victory process.

Over the years, I have learned to humble myself under His mighty hand and that in itself is a silent journey. It is there on our knees, sometimes with tears in our eyes, that we learn:

To receive forgiveness and to give forgiveness.

To learn from our mistakes, even our failures.

To fight the enemy, to endure in battle and to stand on the Rock and not on our own abilities.

Don’t give up my friend, we are in training and we are on the winning side.

No one said it would only be easy! But this one thing I am sure of: “The One Who began the good work in us will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Have a blessed week and know that God is with us!

Retah and family

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