31 March 2021
I look at the story of the Israelites finding rest in the Promised land. Like us, they were wounded, tired and needed rest after the journey and spiritual warfare they engaged in.
Wounded warriors from the battlefield have an expectation and hope of recovery. During this time of the Passover feast, we can celebrate and hold on to the hope of Christ. This hope helps us to see beyond the pain of our physical wounds of our wars. Yes, it is possible to see beyond the wounds of life. We have so much more hope, as we are looking at an eternal hope – Jesus Christ.
His Blood protects us and His Power opens up the Red sea in every situation we face. He is the God who makes a way where there seems to be no way.
The wounds of this life vary from illnesses, emotional pain, stress, accidents, divorces, bitterness, depression, failures, losses, rejection and even death! These are our battlefields. All these situations that we face, leave wounds and we all need a Saviour to help us in the process of healing.
Many people try to deal with their pain on their own, not looking for the Saviour Jesus Christ. Sometimes, the pain becomes so severe that people give up hope, or they would say to me there is no more hope. Just as soldiers returning from the battlefield, they carry the scars of pain, trauma and destruction. But we forget that He came to set the captives free and to heal the brokenhearted. We can come to our Saviour with our wounds, as He stands with arms wide open to receive us. Not only did He die for our pain and transgressions, but He rose again, and now we have the gift of His resurrection power within us.
Let the cry of our hearts be – “Jesus, I need help!”
The journey with Aldo and my mom has brought the realization that a big part of our lives is to help them and equip them to create a new life, in spite of their battle scars and limitations. We have the privilege to take their hands daily, and help them step-by-step to overcome every day’s challenges. But more than that, I can help them to look up – beyond the limitations of this world, to a day when God will wipe away every tear from our eyes – no more crying, no more pain, for all the former things would have passed away (Rev 21:4).
Our God is a wonderful God, a God who cares, who gave His Son to die so that we can live. A God who takes care of the lilies in the field, who counts the number of hairs on our heads. He is saying to us today, “Cast all your cares upon Me, because I care for you.”
This Passover time is a wonderful time to stop, to look up to heaven and to know that, yes, in this world we will experience difficulties – BUT God promised that beyond this life we can look into the eyes of Jesus. This is the ultimate way to respond to the unpredictable and crippling pain we experience here on earth.
We are all like soldiers on a battlefield, experiencing painful wounds on our journey of life. But in it all – we are conformed to the image of God, into His likeness.
We always have a way out – the Red sea will always part – for His Name is Jesus Christ our Messiah. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I bless you and your family with a wonderful Passover.
Enter this appointed time with so much thanksgiving in our hearts.
Blessings to you
Retah and Family