20 January 2016
The Kingdom of YHVH, our Abba Father, is inside of us. Everything we need is inside of us – wisdom, peace, health, joy, understanding, life in abundance and so much more. Holy Spirit helps us to access every natural and supernatural thing we need.
Just as the Kingdom of YHVH is inside of us, so darkness can also be inside of us. Satan enters with trauma or pain and so darkness fills our wounds. We could even have inherited the darkness. Bitterness, anger, resentment and much more stay in the darkness within us. That is why the battle is ‘inside’ of us. It is the battle of the double mind!
We can’t see the Kingdom, but we can see the fruit of the kingdom within us. Just look around you in your own family.
Luke 17:21 He said, “The Kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
And what is inside of us will manifest through us.
The dark kingdom is Satan’s domain. He is called Beelzebub, which means ‘Lord of the flies’. Satan is called Lord of the flies – because he is the father of all lies. He lies to people in darkness and they believe his lies. These lies become their reality and mindset. It is called a demonic mindset. You become what you set your mind on. Satan breeds lies, bitterness, anger, fear, hate, rebellion - these emotions manifest and harass the people around you. In the darkness the stronghold – or wound inside of us, is his feeding place.
Satan feeds on everything that is dead (bitterness, hate, fear, anger, unbelief) – all that does not contain life. We know that the Word of YHVH says that sin makes us dead inside. In the wound where sin rules, maggots start to breed, eating the dead parts inside of us and through this we start spreading spiritual diseases. The maggots breed on the garbage and waste that we fail to get rid of, or choose to hold on to. You would think it is easy for people to admit that they were wrong, or to ask forgiveness, or to forgive someone else – but no, they like to hold on to it! The broken heart parts are filled with rebellion and decide to stay in darkness. Because of the vows which are made from the pain these parts work with the enemy to destroy the rest of the family. This happens in most families, without us even being aware.
In Deut 23:13-14 YHVH instructed the children of Israel to bury their refuse outside the camp, so that He could walk among them. If they did not do this, He promised that He would turn away from them. It is the same with us. The battle is inside of us as we are busy worshipping YHVH and Satan.
The manifest presence of YHVH has departed from many people, even churches. Why? We don’t understand that everything is inside of us!
When I pass on slander, gossip, bitterness and hate, fear and unbelief – I live out the nature of Satan inside of me. If the darkness, or ‘pain strongholds’ in me, are not taken out and buried (washed by the Blood of Yeshua), we shall breed and multiply the sin. We shall carry spiritual diseases, and my friend – that is what our children will have. What are the symptoms of these diseases?
You will struggle to read your Bible, you will struggle to pray, you will live in denial and you will want comfort and quick fixes. You keep the demonic doors open but still expect YHVH to help you?
You will not enter into YHVH’s rest if you continue living a double life!
The battle is inside of you. You fight what is inside of you. If there is no sin, darkness or brokenness inside of you – there will be no place for the maggots to breed. So are we like Yeshua without sin? No, that is why it is a constant journey of cleansing and getting rid of all the defilement inside of us. Our spiritual senses became defiled and a feeding tube for Satan. As long as we are in the strongholds of our unhealed wounds, we shall have battles every day.
Our mission is to get the wounds clean and to become healed. This only happens through repentance and by applying the Blood of Yeshua. When I bury my refuse and cleanse the wounds, the maggots will not be able to use me as a breeding place anymore. If not, I feed my children out of my refuse bin (my wounds).
So why does the enemy attack me so much Retah? This is the kind of questions we all ask. It is because of what is still inside of us. As we trade the darkness for light, the Kingdom of God will manifest through us. Our children will eat the fruit of Yeshua’s nature that will start manifesting through us.
I know this is truth. For years we battled and I could not understand why? Until Holy Spirit began to teach us about our DNA that was filled with darkness and maggots. Our genes had the dark markers or ‘epigenetics’ upon them - the sins of the generations in our bloodline. Attached to these sins are generational spirits called familiar spirits. Their assignment is to destroy you and make you ‘die’ in the wilderness without reaching the Promised Land. Your battle is to get out of that sin, be delivered from the generational spirits, get out of the wound – and to get healed through the Blood of Yeshua!
Aldo writes:
Wisdom says it is the pain in people that becomes a stronghold in their minds. The destiny of ‘living in the wilderness’ is what was passed on from generation to generation. The demonic markers on the broken reeds are 666. Aldo is being healed. Sara helped the firstborn to get rid of all the markers on the genes. The markers fought who Abba Father said I am. The markers fought my destiny of Truth.
Gently I am saved and more and more life is in my wounds. I have learned that my pain needs to be dealt with and brought to the light. Where there is no light the fires of hate will enter in. Did you know that if you do not want to forgive, Satan puts a seal over you? (this keeps you blinded in the darkness). Did you know that hell doesn’t want us to learn the truth?
Wisdom says – choose again, choose light, choose laughter, choose healing!
My mom Sara is gentle, very gently she helps me. Deep inside my mental wounds she goes in and prays. Do you know that deep in my dark wound Satan lied to me. He said to me Sara was no help to me. But she prayed for Wisdom to put His light on in my dark wounds and I could see the truth. He showed me that I did not want to take responsibility for the darkness in me. I wanted to shift the blame.
Thank you for forgiveness. Truly my mom Sara, she lives in the light. This child can see again.
You will see he refers to himself as a ‘child’. This is because he was trapped in the accident wound at the age of 12. Blinded and trapped in the wound, that is how Satan steals our destiny. The battle is inside of you! After many prayers, many years of torment in die wounds, the breakthrough came. The enemy used fear to torment the 12 year old and this caused the epilepsy. But now that broken heart part of Aldo - can finally see again!
Holy Spirit can now start to restore him and reset the time of all his broken parts to current time, current space and current domain. We asked Yeshua to remove all defilement of time, defilement of place, domain and space from him physically, emotionally and spiritually. We then prayed to unify all his systems to his current age and maturity level in Yeshua’s name.
Do you understand that we cannot afford to ignore our wounds? Do you realise that if you and your wife has wounds, you actually fight each other from these places of darkness and lies. This darkness within you will be dark marks on your children’s genes; marking them for a ‘demonic destiny’ - destined for wilderness. It is time to take of the markers and to start fighting the battle with a gentle heart. A heart that is willing to say – “forgive me my child – I was wrong.” This is the only way that you will get someone with the help of Holy Spirit out of their wounds.
This is His plan for all of us. We all have a spiritual fountain inside of us that will help us to never thirst again (John 4:13). We don’t need another source, everything is inside of us. Our job is to get the world out of us. Only then, can we be in the world, but not of the world. Choose to turn away from our own ways, and seek YHVH’s ways.
Mathew 10:22b but he who perseveres and endures to the end will be saved from spiritual disease and death in the world to come.
Remember – this is a journey of Holiness.
I bless your spirit in Yeshua’s name.
Retah and family.