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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Experience the Throne Room

I am writing from a cold Australia, missing my family but also knowing that I am in the will of my Father, my Abba!

To receive a text from my family saying – please know that we love you and God is in control - gives me so much peace to do what my Abba called me to do.

“Retha, there is a harvest - bring it in, because I am on My way. Teach My children to love Me, to be My Bride and to be one with Me.”

All around the world, I see how people struggle to enter into the Throne Room and to have intimacy with God. Many people have a relationship with God, but not many have an intimate love relationship with the King of Kings!

Therefore brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wafering, for He who promised is faithful (Heb 10:19 – 23).

We can have the boldness to draw near to the One who dwells in the “MOST holy place”. This place is not a church, a house, or a denomination – no, this place is your heart. Yes, that is the good news, God moved into the hearts of human beings who were consecrated by the sacrifice of Jesus. As we call unto Jesus, just know that you don’t enter into a throne room millions of miles away; no, this throne room is in your heart!

The problem is that the world keeps searching for answers outside, instead of looking to the inside.

People run to teachings, to the eyes and opinions of man, instead of to the eyes of Jesus.

The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (Rom 10:8).

God has a physical throne room located in the third heaven, but yet, He set up another dwelling place for Himself in the hearts of those who have given their lives to Jesus and asked to be filled with Holy Spirit. As we draw near to Him who is in our hearts, we enter into the throne room millions of miles away. The beauty of this is that there is no distance in the spirit realm. Whenever you enter into the presence of God, you enter into the throne room with our Abba, and Jesus and Holy Spirit is always with you.

Many people don’t experience this presence, because of a veil of “self” - our flesh. Renting this veil made a way for us to enter into this Holy presence by a new life giving way. We have to die in flesh before we can get out of the outer court.

And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires (Gal 5:24).

To be in God’s presence is a reality; it is like breathing air in and out. His word says if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us in His manifest presence (James 4:8).

It is not just for a time; no, it is there for you to live in, to have your being in it, to dwell in it, to speak about it - to enjoy His presence every moment of your life.

Just being in His presence will humble you, and that is why I say it is easy to see if you have experiencing this LOVE, because if you are prideful, you will never experience the Throne Room. Pride is the foundation of sin, and it is also the crown of sin.

My friend, tell me what it is that hinders you from laying down your life?

The things we see is what blinds us – the world and worldly standards is like a mirage that mislead people from the truth.

Only in Jesus’ eyes will you find the way the truth and the life – and the truth shall set you free!

I am so quiet and at peace in my spirit. I see how people long for this wonderful love relationship and fellowship with the King, but they are not willing to surrender everything to Him!

Back home I have a loving husband who keeps on encouraging me to be faithful to our calling. The price we have to pay doesn’t matter – Aldo is busy recovering after the operation and I just keep on speaking life into his spirit. It is a process, but every time Aldo writes to me “Mom, God’s time is perfect,” I know that I know that I know all I need to do is TRUST AND OBEY. Our only source of power is Holy Spirit and the Word of God. We can build our faith up when we confess the Word of God. It is then that we experience greater confidence when we understand the Word and walk in that revelation that Abba gave us about His word by His Spirit.

I asked Josh what he wanted me to bring back for him from Australia – “An Australian soccer shirt Mom, but don’t worry if you struggle to get it – it’s not a big deal.” And how about Aldo? “Nothing Mom, he just asks a blessing every day.” And Dad? “He wants you Mom. Mom, we miss you – but thank you that you are obedient.”

As I put the phone down I realize once again how blessed I am. What God did in Tinus’ life is just wonderful! He is truly a man of God, loving God completely - and he knows that everything we do and sacrifice as a family is only for the King! Yes, the road is difficult – but I have learned so much from God in the last four months... about warfare, about how to close doors that are open to the enemy, how to recognize and fight the enemy – and He just taught me again to trust Him, and put all my hope in Him alone! It doesn’t matter what I see – I will still TRUST GOD!

Stay plugged into the power source – God’s Holy Spirit, and His Word. This is how we walk and war in His strength. This road requires humility and total dependence upon God. I can see how four months made me so, so, so humble again. And when I look around me, I know that this humility is what keeps me one with the King. Pride kills!!!!!!!!!!!     

Peter received the keys of the Kingdom after he received the revelation that Jesus was the Messiah – My prayer for you today, and for Australia, is that you will all receive the revelation of Jesus Christ Messiah. To receive a revelation is to receive a kiss from God – no man can wipe it away.

Thank you Abba Father for having mercy on us. Thank you Lord that You once again came through for us as a family – helping us through Your Spirit to know what was wrong with Aldo. Thank you for his speedy recovery. You wrote through Aldo’s pen exactly what was wrong with him. How can I ever thank You enough? Thank You Abba that I know that You are so in control of our every step. You knew I had to come to Australia, and You knew that I am only a mother - and You were not late, You are never late – never, never, never. How I love You, how I adore You, how I worship You just for who You are! Thank You for loving us, our situation is not perfect, my child is not perfect like many other parents’ children around me, but You are perfect – and my hope is in You!

I am on my way from Bunbury to Perth tomorrow, ministering in Perth and then off to Sydney.

Blessed Lord Jesus, this prayer is for my country South Africa that is going through a difficult time at the moment. You are our Redeemer and King. What can man do to us? We repent for allowing mistrust, fear and insecurity into our lives. We release those who have wounded us, and we step into the stronghold of Your loving protection. We speak to the spirit of fear: “You have no place in our lives. In Jesus Name!”

God bless your Spirit, and keep hiding in His love.


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