18 March 2021
Vision: This is something that I hold onto because I know that where there is no vision there is no life.
As we stand with empty hands and eyes blinded with fear before our Abba, we will have no vision for the next step. We will not know which way to go. But by faith we can enter into His presence. Here, in His presence, peace floods our hearts and this give us the trust to open our eyes. Here, we can look up, and look into His eyes and see hope. That which we see in His eyes – the love reflected there, open our eyes completely. In awe we stand and discover what His plans and purposes, His love and care are for us. This is far greater than what we could ever think, dream or imagine. In awe we stand before Him, astounded by the paths He has planned for us. There in His eyes and heart we see our scroll.
Why then is this revelation of love not our everyday journey? “Because My child, you need to come into agreement with what I speak over you in My Word. Only then will this vision become unlocked. Only then, My truth becomes Your reality.”
So, God and I need to come into agreement, then the vision becomes established. Yes, this is the law of agreement with God and His Word.
“You are in agreement with Me when you obey Me and speak life as I teach you from My word.”
We need to respond to His Word by bowing before Him in submission and surrender. This gives Him the opportunity to write the laws of life on our hearts. Here on our knees, He soaks us in His love and acceptance as He blows His breath of life over us. It is here, that our spiritual vision is set on fire and where we can feel how our hearts start to explode as faith floods our very being. It is these moments that fill our hearts with joy and the courage to face the world and our challenges again.
Fear blinds our vision. Fear keeps us from the presence of God. And fear keeps us hostage to our pain.
My friend, the journey of faith is a humbling journey. But it is also an amazing journey of dying to self. Or we can see the journey as an opportunity to grow in Christ.
As we walk in the faith of “God with us,” we will always see the way ahead.
Jesus wants us to enter in – so that He can bless us in every way imaginable, and we can give Him the glory.
Today, I want to encourage you to never give up hope.
Look into His eyes and find the way.
I bless you with God’s love and favor on your path.
Retah and family