As we climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, I realized that it is a picture of our lives. Every day has new, unknown territory and every day comes with new challenges - different weather, different people and different environments. As we grow in Christ we are being exposed to deeper dimensions in the spirit which is always challenging because of its unfamiliarity. What most people don’t realize is that everything that happens in the physical has a spiritual root. So your journey is actually a spiritual journey.
With every step of faith we take – we grow and progress in the spirit. And the more we die to self and our own desires and agendas – the stronger we become in the spirit. Yes, that is how YHVH’s kingdom works – the total opposite to the world’s agenda and standards. In the spirit we only progress when we die to self, love unconditionally and when we serve others without expecting something in return. ‘Self’ is a hindrance in your spiritual climb.
As Tinus was struggling to breathe on the mountain, he cried out to Abba – ‘Please help me’. And Abba did, He gave him breath for two steps, after which Tinus stopped and had to ask for help again. ‘Yeshua, I have given up many things in my life – please help me to get to the top’. That night Tinus said ‘Retah, I once again realized that I cannot even breathe without YHVH. He wants us to be totally dependent on Him alone.’ With these steps of utter dependence on Him he learned to give up all his strength and self-reliance – because these things are worthless in our spiritual walk.
Luk 17:33 He who seeks his life will lose it but he who loses his life will find it.
There is no growth in self-centeredness – it only causes you to circle the mountain over and over again. Self-centeredness is the source of sin, iniquity and darkness. It is all about you. To train for your climb you need to start looking at the bigger picture. You need to see that everything is not about you. You are just part of YHVH’s Kingdom plan. And even if things are difficult and you are in the fire, you still hold on to your hope, your faith in Yeshua. Your faith and hope is not centred around your situation, but on your God who is so much greater than the situation. That is why we can never give up!
We struggle sometimes to stay in peace, because of our brokenness. Here in brokenness our ‘parts’ or emotions that are not whole, are in darkness, in depression, in death, in sickness, in bondage or in shackles. All of us, every part, and every emotion need to be in right standing with YHVH - one with Him. It is out of this place of right standing with YHVH - that we find rest. Not out of our fleshly deeds!
John 17:21 That they all may be one, [just] as You, Father, are in Me and I in
You, that they also may be one in Us…
We have a human will, and our will needs to be exercised to call out to Yeshua and not to turn to ‘self’ for help. Without the true knowledge of Yeshua and union with Him, people rely on their own ability to try to progress, and then they get tired in the process and just give up! So, you have to develop a new thought pattern.
John 14:6 Yeshua is the Way the Truth and the Life, and even in the spirit no one comes to the Father except through Him.
In the spirit, only the things that are made up of a spiritual substance are solid. True love is solid, real forgiveness is solid, to bless someone is solid, to pray YHVH’s will is solid, to care, to serve, to walk in truth and light are all solid.
Jas 4:14 yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen
tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a
puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into
thin air]. Here the Word teaches us that everything material looks like it is made
up of vapour and does not have eternal value. So, I should ask myself how solid
am I or am I just busy chasing after vapours?
When you die to self, you start to realize that you are born as a spiritual being. And as your spirit connects to Yeshua’s spirit you become one with Him. With every step you climb on your spiritual mountain, you realise that material things start losing their value and you see how you have spent your entire life collecting material riches for yourself. But, all of this is made up of temporal substance and will soon pass away like mist. As you ascend you realise that that which is visible in the spiritual realm are not your possessions that moth and rust can damage, but only your spiritual condition. This was such a shock to me when Aldo started to write it, even before he could speak. All he saw when he looked at people was what was going on in their spirits. This has not changed; even today he will write about the light or darkness that he sees in our spirits and through all his writings Holy Spirit thought me a lot about the brokenness in man’s soul. He never sees or writes about your title in the flesh, or your money or your address. The focus is always on that which matters in the spirit – the condition of your heart. I cannot help but to start understanding that man is so totally blinded by the world, not to see who we really are in Christ and what we are really here for. As I climbed the mountain and walked the last stretch without Tinus, not knowing if he will follow after me, I realized that what I do is for the King and not for me - that is what this Kingdom is about. It is all about Yeshua and His Kingdom purpose for our lives. It is a spiritual journey walked out in a fleshly body.
Markus 6:19 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
2 Cor 4:18 While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
Your spirit is the only true reality in the realm of the spirit. Not even your achievements on earth, your successes and accomplishments count. No, it is all about having the nature of our Abba Father. The fruit of His Spirit, being a son of God, serving others with His love and glorifying Him in all you do.
The moment you absorb the Truth of YHVH in your very substance and not just receive mental knowledge of it, you will be transformed. His Truth sets you free and enables you to live His light and life. As you climb your mountain seeking His will, His light, His life - your darkness will be dealt with. But, people are not always willing to deal with their pain and darkness.
My friend, please hear me. The time is here that darkness is starting to cover the earth, and more than ever you need to be in the light of Christ! You can no longer afford to live a double life. People think that no one knows what they are doing in their inner world, but Christ knows everything. It is the broken ‘parts’ – the emotions of people’s lives that are actually an enemy to the people around them and to themselves. These broken parts brake up families and destroy lives as far as they go, because they act out of pain. This is because they are in darkness, filled with lies, and judgements in their hearts. In life we see that broken people break other people – and the same is true in the spirit realm. The inner thoughts and inner life of man is so real and visible in the spiritual realm, just as a heart and life filled with truth and light is.
Ps 33:13 The Lord looks down from heaven, and sees the whole human race.
Heb 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from YHVH, everything is naked and exposed before His eyes, and we are accountable to Him.
Difficult situations will come, and you will stand, fire will come and you will stand, accusations will come and you will stand, death will come and you will stand – because you died to self, and have became more and more transparent because of His light and life in you. Your spirit becomes stronger and stronger to do exactly what you are called for – for His Kingdom to come through you on earth. Your whole life will change because you would know that it is not about what you see – it is all about being transformed into His likeness. Every day has its challenges and new territories. Some are on their way up the mountain, some are already on their way down, and some are at base camp, just taking a breath before they take on the steep downhill. Some feel like giving up and going into depression, some cry out to Abba saying this is too much and then give up, some say alcohol will make me forget about the pain and the journey, some say to have a another wife will make the pain ease, because after all it is not my fault, the fault is always someone else’s, some say – oh, it is just an adulterous affair no one will know about it, some say a double life makes me cope, or I will just stay on the medicine - then I don’t need to deal with what I have done, or I’d rather just camp out at the foot of the mountain and not start the journey at all – it is just too tough, or I’ll just forget about the truth and work hard because maybe money can fill these gaps, some also circle the mountain complaining for 40 years. And some just give up never taking responsibility for their lives!
The TRUTH is a substance of life, and not just mere knowledge. The TRUTH shall set you free, and shall give you rest- also about yourself. Yeshua wants to take your hand on the journey of climbing your spiritual mountain. It is done out of a place of rest - dying to self. He wants us to walk in His ways – the divine destiny that YHVH has prepared for us before the foundation of the world and has already imparted into our spirits. All that we need for this journey is already in our spirits, unpacking it step by step as we die to self. In Yeshua’s kingdom we grow step by step, it is not given to you on a platter because of who you are. We all have to climb the mountain; there is no quick way. And in the climbing the dying to self happens with the summit being - total dependency on YHVH. It is like the mantel I saw in the spirit. It was so beautiful, beaded with Sapphires and gemstones, but the only problem with the mantel was, that it was very, very small. Holy Spirit softly said to me ‘don’t worry, the more you grow in dying to self, the quicker it will fit you. You will grow into the mantel, dying to self, Retah.
Remember, only the man who daily, patiently, constantly and persistently put to practice the TRUTH’s of Yeshua will become a man who builds his house on the rock Math7:24.
It is a journey, one where we have to have compassion with one another. Where we don’t judge, but extend a hand in help. As long as you still have thoughts of hate, anger, bitterness or self pity – you have to know that you haven’t started the climb yet. As you take the first step up the mountain of taking responsibility for your life, will Abba take your hand and start the journey with you – step by step transforming you into His likeness.
I bless you on your journey my friend!
Love you
Retah and family.