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Intimacy with Yeshua brings “life and truth”

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

11 October 2013

Intimacy is a place of “oneness”, ”oneness” ask something of you – you have to give yourself totally and completely.  Everything that is in you – I submit my body,soul and spirit. The deepest part of who you are.  It is to come with your heart in your hand and to trust the other one with your heart. To trust that that person will not trample on it, leave it out for all to see, not to laugh about it, speak to others about it – but to make your heart feel so, so save and secure in love –all and only because of love! And that love leads to “oneness” – and “oneness “–leads to total complete intimacy! 

When I submit myself to Christ – I submit myself to become one with Him. He is Holy – and wants me to live in that holiness in “oneness” with Him. Every time I turn my back on holiness –immediately I can feel how the distance grow between us. In “oneness” there is no distance.  So what is the answer for me to stay in “oneness” with Yeshua? I believe with all my heart “light and truth” because that will bring true life”. Darkness is the source of death in your heart.  The truth that He is looking after, is for me to see the true condition of my heart, and the moment that I see that condition of my heart I will repent for with a sincere heart for the first time. For such a long time in my life I was deceived, by not recognizing the true condition of my heart. Those veils are called “denial”, and denial  will kill you!

Psalm 24:3-4 “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully.”

The enemies’ strategy is that you never get to the place where you find the true condition of your heart. That is why he makes you believe that you can never be in “oneness” with Yeshua. In our souls are darkness, hidden fear, lies, pain, hate and so many hidden motives even generation curses that are forced on you. When I invite the Glory Light of YHVH in my inner man – my soul starts to be enlightened because the Spirit of Truth comes in and shine His light on all my denial. Then I start to see the true condition of my heart – and that “truth leads to repentance and repentance leads to holiness”.

Our heart and YHVH’ heart are one, so when we seek that “oneness” – we find our hidden darkness’s in our hearts. Before that we are not really bothered by the conditions of our heart. But the closer you move to Him in “oneness” the closer you get into the reality of the condition of your heart – because YHVH is light.   

We have so many methods to hide those conditions of darkness in our lives.  It can be your money, your status, your ministries, your loud mouth or may be even the fact that you are just not involved and hide away. People are so busy trying to make the right impression to the world, but what about what are going on in the inside of your heart? Is it pride, is it stubbornness, is it vanity,is it denial – what is it that we as man ran so from the true condition of our hearts?

Jeremia 1:9,12,13 “ Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.’ “

12“Then the Lord said to me, ‘You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.’ ”

13 "And the word of the Lord came to me the second time, saying ‘What do you see?’And I said, ‘I see a boiling pot, and it is facing away from the north.’ “

The turn came in to my life about 3 years ago (yes I was in ministry then) when we were in a middle of an intense spiritual warfare in our lives. Aldo fought for life and death for months. And after many, many tears and crying out to Yeshua, Aldo wrote one day ”Mom – you are my gate keeper” (me and Tinus – but he was speaking of me in this incident)“and you have all these hidden darkness in your heart. You gave them legal wright to attack me.”  Then he was writing about many things that I was still in denial of. Things like generational curses that came with a familiar spirit and fight their way through families.It can be seen through  sickness, financial difficulties, or just keeping you from “oneness with Yeshua”.

 O how they need our denial!!!!

The moment when Yeshua’  light  was invited into my denial – I could see what was going on. I could see how the trading in the spirit works. I could repent,come in the truth – and experience breakthrough! Yeshua will never expose you, He will hide all your mistakes under His Blood, but  the problem is our pride  –  He cannot hide our pride. There is no condemnation for honesty towards YHVH.  Today I am delivered from self-deception, and that is why I will not stop giving my hand to you – to help you to get into “truth – because truth will leads you into holiness, and holiness will lead you into oneness”.

Whenever someone shows a finger to you to condemn you – you must know that person are not in “oneness” with Yeshua yet. “Oneness” is having His heart of love,  forgiveness, transparency  and no punishment  to you. Doesn’t matter who you are, and what you have done in life. I Retah did not chose the family line I came out, I did not chose to have those curses on my life – but I can choose “light, truth ,repentance – and “oneness with Yeshua”. Even Ruth came out of Moab, and just because of her choices – YHVH could use her.

I am still in Cape Town, working here for the week. This weekend we are doing a mens  weekend in Hermanus. How wonderful to see YHVH working in the hearts of man and woman. I believe with all my heart that the flames of Holy Fire through Holy Spirit are flaming fire that come from the lowest point in Africa to the world. I see how Africa is on fire for YHVH. Why? Because we so desperately need HIM, we cannot live without Him. Yes a small fire – your love for Yeshua can set a world on fire!

Hallelujah, How I love the King of Glory,The King of Truth, who use the foolish to teach the wise!

Aldo’s daily devotions app is available in the Apple and Blackberry stores.  Unfortunately we will not be able to sell the app via Android because we cannot provide an American Credit card since we are mainly located in South Africa. We are so excited because this app will create an income for Aldo. Praise YHVH for His provision. He will give you always a way. But never will He let you sit back and let others provide for you if you do not make an effort yourself. No, His Word says, “ if you do not work – you cannot eat.”  Do start today,even if you just start serving others – get up and do something. While you have breath – use it all for His Kingdom!

Love you all -  from Cape Town


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