22 October 2012
I am in Cape Town for 12 days, writing and finishing my book and at the same time working on our TV program. The days that I don’t work in Cape Town, I came to Yzerfontein, on the West Coast, and just write from the morning till late at night. I only allow myself a little time off to run along the beach every day.
Early this morning, as I spend time with God, I just thanked Him, because I had such a wonderful time with Him here - just the two of us, alone. Experiencing His love, His intimacy, His guidance and His protection – I cannot describe it! I just said “thank You Lord for loving me so much!”
God created each of us with a longing for intimacy with Him, a yearning for Him. That is why we must come to some understanding of what He is asking of us and what He is offering. We must come to the realization that we were created to fellowship with our Creator. We need Him and you know what? – He desires us!!!
God desires us? Yes, He wants us, all of us, and He yearns for us. He gave the very best He had, His only begotten Son, Yeshua – He did all of this for intimacy with you and me.
It is possible that you can be the one with all the degrees, all the knowledge, all the best of the best in life – but you are missing your mandate – to love God with all your heart, your soul, mind and with everything in you! You miss intimacy – and you miss LIFE!
Intimacy never involves just one person. As the saying goes ”It takes two to tango”. God has gone to great lengths to dance this beautiful melody of your life with you. But if you don’t come to the dance, you will miss the opportunity.
What must I do to enter into this love relationship? Just this – it requires our relentless pursuit of an abiding and growing relationship with God - a love relationship. A relationship where you don’t just need God, but love God and enjoy His presence with you, in you, around you - 24/7. We need to respond to God’s yearning for us, by yearning for Him. Communicating with Him, telling Him your heart and pouring out your love like oil upon His feet. This was a highlight to me, every night, after a long day’s writing. And He always responds by pouring out His love back on us.
The biggest hindrance in communicating with God is our own perception of who He is. People have hurt us, so we expect God to do the same. Ps 27:10” Though my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me”. So, regardless of who has forsaken us, Yeshua will receive us and embrace us with His love.
God states throughout His Word that He is a strong tower a refuge and our hiding place – all in Him. But the problem comes when your security lies in your position, your status, your wealth, even your friends and family. Then we live out of self and not in total dependency on Him. Today I know that nothing that we have has real value, other than His love for and in us. That is the only thing that we can give to each other – the only thing that will really change and impact lives. And if God asks you to give anything you own or even your time and you don’t give it out of pure love and love alone – it still will have no value. It will only change lives when it comes out of love.
I believe, your level of intimacy with God, determines your ranking in God’s Kingdom. Nothing that you can bring or have achieved counts - only your love relationship with God, YHVH. God ensured that it is there for all, that everybody no matter who you are has a fair chance – even if you have a head injury, or don’t speak well. For man looks on the outside, but God looks on the heart (1 Sam 16:7). How different is the Kingdom of God from the world’s system?! You will fight mighty wars and win them – because of the anointing of “Love” upon your live. Only when God stripped me from all my ‘self importance’ – could He begin to pour out His love into a now empty vessel! That is what the end time bride will have – Love! Pure undefiled Love. Because love changes everything!
Tinus made sure that I come with a big tin of “ille espresso” to Cape Town, it is so good!! (I have to admit that I would have loved a delicious piece of carrot cake from the ladies in Barbados – to go with it). I lived on God’s love and “ille coffee” throughout this time. I have to say - on Sunday morning I thought “I should go to the local beach restaurant for breakfast”. This was such a nice treat. After that I could work again till late into the night. The book is nearly finished, Holy Spirit helped me a lot. The rest of the week I have to work on a couple of scripts and another TV production in Cape Town. On Friday I am flying home looking forward to having a weekend with my family.
I thank all of you who partner with this ministry. I want you to know how we value your support. We make sure that we pray for all of you in these times. Aldo and mam Patrys does that once a week. Tinus and I also pray over and thank God for every cent or dollar that we receive. But, what I also see is the wonderful testimonies of how God keeps on blessing His children who has sown faithfully. Without seed, we cannot expect a harvest – no matter who you are. I keep on teaching my children that, we cannot ask of God – without making sure that we have our own seed in the ground. This is how God’s Kingdom works. I was so worried about the finances for God TV, because it involves a big amount of money. Aldo wrote “Mom, why do you fear, you have seed in the ground. God will come through for you – repent mom”. And I had to repent of my fear and of not trusting God. God just supernaturally came through for me and I know He will keep on doing that, because it is for His Kingdom, and not for Retah. Thank you that we can learn from each other, that we can grow together, and above all – LOVE EACH OTHER AND OUR KING!
From a cold Yzerfontein with a warm cup of “Ille” – I truly, truly love you all!