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Lay it all down

Writer's picture: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

I just finished the last conference for the year in Cape Town, and now I am sitting on the veranda overlooking the ocean. The whole year I have been working nonstop, traveling around the world, but December is our summer holidays in South Africa, and together with my family we just hideaway in the presence of God.

It is just me and Josh, together with our two friends and helpers from Africa, Master and Aubrey, here in Cape Town at the moment. Aldo and Ma’am Patrys are at his school convention in Bloemfontein. Tinus is still at work and will join us over the weekend.

When I spoke to Aldo yesterday, he struggled to speak because he was so excited. “Mom, I played soccer, and I did well! “  (He was the goalkeeper). Tinus bought him an American football helmet for his head and mouth. Aldo’s team won two matches and lost the last. Patrys said that he was such an inspiration to all the children, that after the game they stood around him and prayed for him. She told me how she laughed during the game because the supporters of the team they played against starting encouraging Aldo halfway through the match: “Come on Aldo, you can do it! Stop that goal!” Everyone wanted to have photos taken with him and he prayed for them afterwards. This was exactly what he needed after all the struggles he went through during the year.

How wonderful it is to know that only two weeks ago he was still in the ICU and now he is playing soccer at the convention! On Thursday they will play volleyball, and that is more of a challenge to him because he struggles to jump, and often falls because of his balance. I think what he loves most is to be treated as everyone else.  This convention is amazing for him! I told him, “Aldo, Josh and me are already on holiday!”, and he replied, “Mom, this is the best holiday I could ever ask for! See you on Friday.” Tinus will meet up with them on Thursday, and on Friday after the prize giving the two of them will fly to Cape Town.

How I love You Lord! I love You!!! You are all I have. How blessed, how holy and amazing is an encounter with the Godhead. This weekend we experienced His presence so tangibly in the meetings. I saw one of the biggest angles I had ever seen all over the conference area this weekend. Blessed are those who God has touched with His love that their hearts burn within them. God wants your body, soul and spirit to be flooded with the sweetness of Jesus. God is knocking on your heart – “Give Me more of your time, give Me more room in your heart, I want you - all of you - completely.” His love burns like fire and is far more intense than any human love. It comes straight from the heart of Him whose love sustains the universe. His love is gentle, irresistible… it draws me closer and closer – it is His love that calls me to be completely available for Him. Use this festive time to draw closer to Him who loves you unconditionally.

Always remember – because He is love, it is a spiritual law that He blesses those whom He draws to Himself.  There will be a day in the lives of everyone whom God loves and who love Him, that He will call upon you and me to surrender those loved-ones that are more important to us than He is. But I know He repays us hundredfold for this sacrifice, because we experience His love in our times together in fellowship, with Him as our focal point.  But surrender is much more than only that – it is a new life; a life only depending on His love and out of that flows everlasting rivers.

How will I ever be able to thank everyone who sent us e-mails, prayed for us, and just loved us during this year! Thank you; thank you - only God knows what that meant to us as a family.

We will have one more letter for the year on the 11th, and then our offices will be closed from 11 December to 4 January 2010.

Because Yesua is alive - May God bless your spirit!


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