12 November 2013
2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
Just before I left America I attended a conference (Panim el Panim) of Dr Howard Morgan in Atlanta Georgia. How wonderful to meet so many people that searches for YHVH face to face.
But, why is it that not many people experience His love tangibly? People try to find Him in knowledge and in works – but, He is found in love and humbleness. This is very difficult for people to understand.
EF 2:5-8 Let this mind be in you which was also in Yeshua, who being in the form of God made Himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant.
What is it what makes us so proud? Is it our money, our houses, or our reputation or popularity? Is it people’s opinion of us? Or, just because when you enter somewhere everybody takes notice of you, your knowledge, your beauty and money?
Let’s look at Yeshua, was He popular? Isaiah 53:3 He was despised and rejected by man.
He Himself said in Luke 6:26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you. The disciples were not above their Master. Yeshua was despised and rejected by man. The world cast Him out. So, why are we so filled with pride of who we are and what we do? Yeshua did not even boast in his learning or education. No, the Word says - Let this mind be in you, which was also in Yeshua.
He humbled Himself and took on the form of a servant. You might remember the night in the Upper room, where Yeshua took a towel and washed the disciple’s feet. The God of Glory washing sinful men’s feet. We are so often ashamed to do the lowly jobs. But Yeshua keeps on saying to me “Retah, let this mind be in you - the mind of a bondservant! Don’t try to be Someone, Retah – be My hands, and My feet – nothing else.” That is what Wisdom asks of Aldo, everyday.
And I want to tell you - the religion spirit hates humbleness, because it doesn’t fit in with man’s doctrine. Man’s doctrine says let’s boast in who we are.
It is chat box day today and many people talk to me about prayer. “Retah, why doesn’t YHVH answer my prayers? “ Yeshua hears all your prayers; you have to hear what I say to you today. Yeshua hears and listens to all your prayers - every word, He knows about every tear you poor out at His feet!” Make sure you come into His rest, be content and find peace in knowing that He knows exactly what you need – and when you need it. Often in my life I prayed and did not receive - until I found that when I pray and ask Him His kingdom to come over this situation, then everything works out for my good. Maybe not as I thought or wanted it but, being at peace, knowing that He is in control and wanting only His perfect will and Kingdom to come in my life and every situation.
We seek many things in life. A new job, a house, a car, answers, - but when last did you seek His face?
Ps 27:4 One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for, and [insistently] require: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, to behold and gaze upon the beauty [the sweet attractiveness and the delightful loveliness] of the Lord and to meditate, consider, and inquire in His temple
David was a great King. He was rich, he had won many battles and he had a great reputation. Yet he said, ”I am not satisfied. One thing I have desired from the Lord. Not that I should become king, or a greater preacher, or become famous - no - that I may behold the beauty of my Lord Yeshua continuously throughout my life.”
I look at Mary Magdalena, how she loved Yeshua, she wept when the tomb was empty. Not even the disciples wept, their love for Him was not so deep. Yeshua was everything to her. This is what YHVH is looking for in a remnant, a bride – someone who has one desire and that is to seek His face – to behold the beauty of Yeshua and nothing else.
I want to encourage you to seek Him – and not only His answers to your prayers.
Will you still love Him the same if His answer to your prayer is “no, or not the way you want it, or not in your time but My perfect time?”
Let’s love YHVH with all our heart, all our soul and with everything that is within us.
We cannot live without His love. Even in all my challenges – I just choose to say –Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the [victorious] God of my salvation!(Hab 3:18)
God is good, He knows the best, just stay in prayer, stay in love.
It is the end of the year and what an exciting time to sit at His feet and hear His heartbeat for 2014. Be ready for change, be ready to get out of your comfort, be ready to be made whole. I believe that is what He is going to require of all of us, so that we will not be found broken when the dark awakening starts . That is going to shock so many people because they did not search their hearts and dealt with their brokenness. Normal people around you would already be programmed by Satan in their brokenness, and then it will be too late to try to get whole. They will be part of Satan’s army. This is already happening, normal people, children with broken parts(emotions) of their soul who never dealt with the pain are living in utter emotional darkness , on all sorts of medicine to cope with the situation. But the problem is much deeper, it is Satan program you for his army in your dark pain to kill, steal and destroy. We see it already all over the world, but not in the extend what is waiting for us. With the dark awakening, all these sleeping parts(emotions) are going to stand up from the subconscious and take over the conscious, and the demonic in them will take this good(broken) person over. We will all be in shock, because you did not know about all the dark powers in the person. It is time to invite Holy Spirit in our pain, and work thru the pain in your heart with His help. He wants you whole!
Put your hand in His hand.
Love you all
Retah and family