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Love conquers all!

Writer's picture: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

Romans 8: 26-27

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us[b] with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

It is very late on Sunday evening, and the house is completely quiet. All I hear is the sound of the frogs singing from their home in the big dam close to our house. It was already late when I walked into our house from the Radio interview I did in Pretoria, and every now and again I had to wipe away the tears while driving back. It was tears of joy flowing over my cheeks. As I was driving I thought to myself that I couldn’t share all these things that we have been going through with the world, because I know what people would think if they haven’t been in our shoes. In my life before the accident I was just like that, sceptical of everything I didn’t understand. Holy Spirit answered my thoughts: “Maybe it’s time that you teach the world what I am teaching Aldo.” When you judge others, a spirit of poverty is released over you. This spirit doesn’t only come in the form of finances, but also in spiritual riches, wisdom, counsel and revelation. Isaiah 58 (9-12) says: “If you take away the yoke from your midst, The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, If you extend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday. The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.”

All of us know so little about the spiritual realm. The Word of God says: “My People perish because of a lack of knowledge,” and that is why it is so important to not be without knowledge.

Saturday morning I ministered at a Ladies Breakfast. Strangely enough, that morning I decided to wear one of my fancy dresses that I used to wear before the accident, and with it goes delicate stockings and high heeled shoes (it is winter in South-Africa at the moment, so the stockings are important). As I looked at my closet, I saw all those fancy dresses I used to wear before the accident just hanging there unused and I realized the way Jesus set me free can even be seen in my wardrobe. I feel the most comfortable in my denim jean and a casual jersey. On the road to the event the friend who was driving with me asked, “You look very fancy today?”, and both of us laughed.

While ministering at the function, the power of the Holy Spirit was resting so strong upon me and I could feel His presence in the very fibre of my being, and everything in me wanted to get down onto my knees to worship Him, but suddenly I realized my skirt and delicate stockings were not built for kneeling. I kept on standing while I prayed, but my entire being was calling out: “Retha, get down on your knees and worship the living God!” but all I kept thinking was about my stockings.

While driving back my friend said, “Retha, while you were praying today I wanted to get down on my knees to pray, but I couldn’t because I was too shy; and when I opened my eyes, a young girl at our table was laying face down next to her chair worshipping God.” As he talked, Holy Spirit revealed to me that was exactly what happened to me too. Usually I won’t mind where or when or in whose company I am, I would kneel when I felt led to – but today, because of my delicate stockings and fancy outfit, I couldn’t. “Abba, please forgive me” I prayed as I realized what happened.

“Retha, anything that keeps you back from completely surrendering to Me, stands in your way to intimacy.”  I then realized that is probably why I am also free from wanting to dress in fancy clothes, and impress other’s with my sense of fashion – we can’t worship God freely if our clothes are too tight, too special or too fancy to bend our knees – and that just indicates stiffneckedness and pride. Just then I decided – come what may – I want to be fee to worship God!

On my way back from the function on Saturday I received a telephone call from a friend of mine who is a doctor, and he told me about a patient of his who the Holy Spirit kept on telling him to go and pray for. Every time he wanted to go, something happened that hindered him and then he got a phone call – the patient had died. He cried and cried about his disobedience, but above all else, he knew it was a person who hadn’t accepted Christ yet, and maybe was lost now forever.

When I got home, I got down on my knees and started praying for the woman who worked in our house and tried to hurt Aldo with her witchcraft – she didn’t truly know Jesus as I thought she did, because she was still busy with ancestral rituals from her culture. I feel just like my friend about this lost soul as he did about his patient, but thank God there is still time for her to repent. Even though I knew she had a great part in the spiritual warfare we were fighting for Aldo, something supernatural happened in my spirit and I could honestly pray, “Abba, please forgive me that I didn’t lead her to You in the time she worked in my house. I know that we are busy with a warfare, and there are so many warfare strategies and techniques we can follow, “bind this and bind that”, but today I want to win this warfare with LOVE and FORGIVENESS. I forgive her for what she is trying to do, and I bless her. Aldo even told me that he saw how You took the weapon out of her hand when I did this, and she even tried to continue fighting in the spirit, but it was like a soldier without a weapon.  I also know that Wednesday evening, after Aldo prayed for everyone at the Spirit School, that You released Your power to flow, and that Satan is behind the epilepsy attack that night. But Father, I no longer want to look at the battles, because I know You are fighting for us. I am here on my face before You, to intercede for her soul. And Lord, I will keep on doing this – because I don’t want her to go to hell. You created her, You love her, and I knew that I missed a chance to lead her to you...” And so I prayed and prayed for her, even for her children, that they never have to go through what Aldo went through now.

The power of God was so present, that it almost felt as if I wouldn’t be able to get up again, and I felt led to keep on petitioning for her soul, because I know that Jesus loves her just as much as He loves me. When Jesus said: Pray for your enemies, forgive them, bless them – He meant just that.

A few hours later I came out of the room. Aldo was still lying on the couch – he can’t walk that well after all the epileptic seizures from Wednesday, and his balance is totally gone. It usually takes a few days to recover totally.

He gave me one of his “I know something” looks. “Mom, do you know what happened in the spirit now? Mom, did you see what I saw? All of them who fought against me have been chased away by Jesus! What you prayed now, Mom, saved me from them.”

Peace that transcends all understanding was present in my house and in our hearts. Aldo wrote: “Mom, she also has peace now, because she can feel how you are praying for her, and that you want to help her so that she doesn’t go to hell. Mom, she knows that you are praying for her and for her children to be saved, and that you are also blessing her.”

When I say I pray for her – it is not something that comes from within myself – it is by the Holy Spirit. Only He can help us to forgive others, to bless our enemy and what is more, to pray for their souls with the same passion that Jesus wants them to be saved. This is what I learned on this road – we overcome evil with good, and with the love of Christ. Not by might, nor by power, but My Spirit says the Lord God almighty (Zag. 4)

Aldo is doing really well. After he ministered at the Spirit School last Wednesday, he was so happy and humble about it – he kept on falling to his knees and thanking God.  Except for the epileptic seizures that evening (I know they were only an attack from the enemy) and him being temporarily off balance, his brain is doing well, his enemies are beaten, and by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony we have overcome just as it is written in Rev. 12:11. All of this is the love of Jesus that teaches us to do what the Word of God says – and to do it with radical obedience.

God teaches us that He uses meek vessels that can withstand the storms of life; and are actually made stronger by them because of obedience to Christ. It is not about our comfort, or our happiness, only about Yeshua. In meekness and obedience, you will experience the greatest peace – because meekness can only be found in Christ.

Today is Mother’s day, and for the first time in a couple of years I am at home to spend this day with my family. I have also started saying no to invitations to speak, because I know that a busy diary full of events cannot compare to a heart that is one with God, and obediently asking Him for every event.

We had lunch that afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa (my mother and father), you know that a Grandma’s food is just the best! All the cousins were also there, and for the first time since last year October we saw the old Aldo! He was making jokes, and he was laughing in his special way (because he still can’t laugh or cry like others) and every now and again he said that we must thank Jesus because we are free!

That evening as I tucked him in, he wrote: “Nehemiah must teach me how to minister – No, don’t worry, Wisdom will teach me. Night, Mom, see you in the throne room.” I smiled and put off the light.

I will be leaving for Malaysia on Tuesday to minister there, and Joshed asked me, “When can I come with you, Mommy?”

“What about school, Zozzie?” I replied.

He was silent for a few moments thinking and then said, “But didn’t Aldo say Jesus is on His way?” I could only laugh at his answer, and told him that he could definitely join me one day!

That evening when I prayed, I asked “Yeshua, please.... It is my heart’s desire to love the way you love, to give mercy the way you give mercy, to walk humbly before my God.”

The spirit realm is real – more real, and more influential, than the natural realm that you can see around you, but the way to overcome cannot always be found in books, but only in the way that God teaches us through His Word: Forgive, so that we can be forgiven. Bless your enemies, do not curse. Don’t judge, because with the same measure you judge others, you will be judged. Regardless of the battle raging, praise God. Don’t let fear become your master – rather trust God, even if you see no evidence of victory.

This is how we, the McPherson family, through the leading of the Holy Spirit and the truth of God’s Word, and radical obedience, received victory over the enemy. God revealed Himself to them because of the truth we learned through the Word. Today I stand with my hand over my mouth in astonishment that the fight was won in one moment when I went down on my knees – all because I could plead for her soul with the heart and love of God. We rejoice in the God of our salvation!!!!

Aldo woke up early this morning, and was still stumbling because of his weak balance, and somebody has to help him around all the time. He can’t go to school yet. Ma’am Patrys walked in and he yelled “Surprise! I am free and today we are going to home school!’ I can only smile as I leave for the office with a thankful heart.

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Do what Jesus asks to find victory in your life.

Thank you for all of your prayers, and thank you that I can share the ups and downs of this journey with you, and that you that you learn with me, so that you don’t make the same mistakes as I did.

Peace to you.

Retha and the family.

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