In South Africa 250 000 men gathered together at the “Mighty Men Conference – MMC” hosted on Shalom farm by Angus Buchan last week.
All the different cultures of our rainbow nation came together, knelt down before the Living God and exalted Him as the only King. They gave Him their lives and made Him their first love again. How great is that! The men made a choice to take back their place as King, Priest and Prophet of their house. Can you imagine how it must sound when 250 000 men praise God and call for Jesus out loud? Heavens were moved and the earth trembled!
This is the hour we are in. God said to me – My fire will come out of Africa and spread to the world. You will find this manifestation over the whole Africa. People are hungry for the fullness of God. There are angels sent to America after meetings in Africa – evangelism angles, to go and start ministering to the Body all across the globe. These angels take what we have to a new level. We will see how the fire will come out of Africa and spread to the whole world.
Jesus wants His church to stop preaching love – but to give love. That love starts at home, between husband and wife, children and their parents. So many men came home after the MMC and asked forgiveness. I know of a man whose young children kept on asking him; Dad what happened to your face? You look so different – so beautiful. He cried for a week after that conference, and God changed him from the inside out.
Jesus wants His bride to stop living in carnality. (IDOLTARY, MATERIALISM, DRUNKENNESS, BONDAGE TO SIN.) Make a choice to leave the desires of the flesh behind. The way to do it is to gaze upon Jesus, instead of gazing upon the world. You become what you gaze upon and it will transform you.
Jesus wants that uncleanness of your tongue, your heart and your thoughts to stop and to be transformed into His words, His heartbeat and His thoughts. Lead every thought in obedience to God and cast down what is not of God. Your thoughts will become your actions. Break the old thought patterns of the old-man and the flesh – just make a choice to break it.
Jesus wants unity in your home, your marriage and your family – then He can work. Where there is no unity, there is no power. Many churches don’t have unity, and that is one of the main reasons you don’t see power.
Jesus desires a holy bride. And the only way to walk in Holiness is to start being obedient to God’s voice. Because obedience takes you into Holiness. The word of God says without Holiness we will not see God. The closer you walk with Jesus, the more holy you will become, because you become what you gaze upon – Holiness.
Jesus wants broken families to become whole again. The way to do it is to be humble and selfless. You be the one who goes back, seeking reconciliation and peace. Forgive the way Jesus forgave you – unconditionally.
Aldo had his 17th birthday, and many people ask me if his ministry has started yet and is he healed? Yes. God is faithful.
With small steps he helps at the retreat and prays for the people. Everything big starts small. He goes with me to hospitals and we pray for people. Other than that he lives a life of CHRIST IN ME. So where ever he goes, he ministers to people, and his word is always spot on. Because it is God’s wisdom and revelation knowledge working through him.
When I look at Aldo, I see a “whole” man.
Not completely healed – but whole indeed– God’s son.
God bless your spirit!