Praise God! It is a new day – I arrived home last night from New Zeeland and had a beautiful welcome home dinner with my family.
Aldo and Josh held me tight for a long time – and with his little thumb up in the air, Aldo tells me in his own special way ALL IS WELL MOM! School started on Wednesday and he went back to school with the rest of the kids. What a wonderful God we serve! December he was still lying in ICU but in January he is back to school. There were times when I looked at him and realized what I saw is not good – but still I forced myself to say “you will be ready to go back to school in January”.
Remember; God can move as far as your confession goes.
Josh keeps on telling me – “Mommy, Aldo is so much better, Jesus did it for us!” Yes I can see – Aldo is much better, all of his confusion is gone. It is at times like these that I gaze upon the enormity of God and just want to do one thing – to bow down before Him and praise His Holy name. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
Aldo could not wait to write down all he experienced in the Spirit of my New Zeeland trip.
I had the privilege to minister together with Jason Westerfield from the U.S.A. in a conference called “The Supernatural life”. We saw God move in the Supernatural and He took us all from glory to glory. People’s lives were change just because of His presence and the power of Holy Spirit. Jason has an amazing way to break the Kingdom of God open to all.
Aldo was very quiet during the whole dinner, just listening to what I told everyone. Then he came over to me and said ‘’I saw you all in the spirit mom, many people drank of the Holy wine and people got drunk in the Spirit.”
In his letters were he wrote of many things that we experienced at the conference – and he explained some of what happened there to me. “Mom, but you must please tell the people that they have to make sure that they seek God, and not only the manifestations of God”. Our motive should always be to experience the wonderful privilege of direct person to Person, spirit to Spirit, love intimate relationship with God. And then when you enter in with a pure heart and clean hands – you will find God in His fullness surrounded by His shekinah Glory. In His presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forever more. In His fullness you will automatically find all the manifestations, it comes naturally. You will not receive it from the outside – it needs to be spirit, not flesh!
We have to learn how to worship in Spirit and Truth, if not - we will stay in the realm of soul – and so many times people try to find the fullness of God from there. It will not be found. You will look around you and see people trying to get into God’s presence using fleshly motives and actions. Just like being at a party, feeling good at the time but tomorrow morning you need to face life again. Your relationship with God needs to be a relationship of substance, for it is only the substance of this relationship that will carry you through the hard times and keep you humble in the good times.
The true worship what God speaks about is not essentially an utterance – but more an attitude of surrender. You approach God in an attitude of worship. We need to bow before Him, feed upon Him, live totally surrendered to Him and enjoy Him!
It is so dangerous to honour God with your lips, but your heart is far from Him. That is religion – putting on an act. But to come pure before God, makes you humble. A True worshipper of God has a true heart, and fullness of faith. In worship you will find love, joy and a very special power will flow. This all happens when deep meets deep! There your life will be changed. It is tender, it is sweet, and it is God!!!!
Entering into the presence and realm of God is life changing. You go from Glory To Glory. Many people’s life’s has been change this weekend in New Zeeland – because they found the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God that says – I AM THE GREAT I AM.
Before I left Aldo said “God is going to pour grate Grace on New Zeeland”. This true indeed! The great Grace of God is upon the people of New Zeeland. Blessed are all of you that I have met. My life has been forever changed and I praise God for everyone who imparted in me and my family’s life.
I want to bless the New Life Church in Hamilton, and Jason Westerfield and his ministry.
I have learnt so much from Jason and his love for God – what a special man of God!
May you all continue to stay and live in God’s Glory.
I stayed with two wonderful people David and Susan Collins from Auckland. In their lives I could see the depths, the love, the revelation that they have received through seeking God on their knees in very dark hours of the night. When the day came – the treasures they found as a result of being in His presence shined from them without a word being spoken. Thank you Jesus that I could see in them the light You were talking about.
Ps 96:9 “worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness”
God bless New Zeeland. Retha