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Pride resists truth.

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

16 February 2016

Pride resists truth.

The plan of the enemy is clearly written on the wall – and all can read it. Blindness is the fruit of pain and brokenness. People get stuck in the tomb of their pain and become rebellious. Their hearts become hardened and self protection kicks in. This is the pride and self-absorption we see – the enemy having blinded their minds so that they cannot see what they are doing. They stay in darkness and believe everything he tells them. Everyone is wrong, only they are right! They work for him and have a demonic destiny to fulfil. It can only be fulfilled if they operate in the demonic identity of Satan. They will fight and hold on to that demonic calling as long as pride veils their eyes. They will fight the truth and will keep on representing their double-minded calling.

2 Corinthians 4: 3 Even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

Pride resists YHVH and the truth of His gospel. Pride gives you a hardened heart, which is a cursed heart. I see in the Word of God, how He can take a hardened heart and turn it around for His glory. That is the Good News! Just think of Rahab the harlot and Ruth of Moab.

But, then I look at Pharaoh. He sits on an earthly throne with all power, yet so empty, lost and hopeless. It can be you, the father of the house, screaming on everyone, or the mother manipulating everyone with her sharp tongue – yet so empty, lost and hopeless. Blinded by the enemy and believing all his lies. Believing …. I am fine, everyone else needs help!

Pharaoh heard Moses saying, “Let my people go”, but he refused. He refused to get off of the man- made throne of his life (Your own will for your life). At every opportunity, with each of the plagues, Pharaoh’s heart became harder and harder. He held onto his power and we all read how his mind was blinded by the god of this age. Everything was only about himself and his own will!

King Saul is another example. He had so many opportunities. The first King of Israel, what an honour. Humbly he started, but little by little he became blinded by his pride and at the end it was the very thing that killed him. That is the enemy’s plan – He wants to kill, steal and destroy your God-given identity and destiny. You are blinded, and all you can see and hear is, “do it all your way, do it your way” - so that you can one day sing - “I did it my way!”

Then in Numbers 16 we read about Korah, who had an arrogant and hardened heart. I find it very interesting that a snake came and bit him, causing his death. God himself ripped open the earth and it swallowed him up!

The effect of pride, hardened hearts and arrogance did not only affect these men, but also the people they led, the people they loved and those they lived with.

The same are happening today in our lives when we refuse to humble ourselves and admit, “I have a problem”- or “I need help”. Always, yes always, when we resist the work of YHVH in our lives, it is our families and loved ones that suffer. And at the end of the day – it will cause you to die in self. But it does not remain with you only – you hand that whole selfish mindset over to your next generation. (The epigenetics- or generational curses).

James 4:6 God oppose the proud but gives grace to the humble.

The Greek word for ‘oppose’ is antitassomai - which means ‘rage in battle against’. So YHVH rages in battle against those who live in pride! I am sure that this is not what I want for my life. We bring disaster over ourselves when we refuse to humble ourselves before YHVH.

To receive His grace and His favour is to humble ourselves before the King of Glory. Ask Him to shine His light into all the darkness we carry. And believe me, He will!

Humbleness is an attitude, a condition of your heart. Just like sin is a condition of your heart? That is why there is no big sin or small sin.

Jeremiah 17: 9 tells us ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperate wicked, who can know it?’ The passage continues with saying ‘I the Lord search the heart, I test the mind’.

Maybe today is the day that the Lord, in His mercy and grace, reveals pride, stubbornness and unwillingness in our hearts. Then, we must be willing to say – ‘Yes, Lord, I am willing to bow my knees and surrender this hardened heart to you as I repent.’

But, if we refuse to do this as YHVH shines his Glory Light on our hearts – we then make YHVH our enemy. The Word says he will oppose us when we continue to live in pride.

This is the inner battle, the outward soul battling the inward spirit. The inward man cannot come forth; as long as he is resisted and blocked by the hardened heart of the outward man.

We will miss YHVH’s greatest blessing when we harden our hearts. We become our greatest enemy when we allow our outward man to never humble himself before YHVH.

Proverbs 29:1 warns us that a man who remains stiff-necked…. will suddenly be destroyed – without remedy.

Hebrews 4:7 Today, if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts.

My dear friend, the only reason why we continue to be far from Yeshua, is because of the condition of our hearts. Not even our sins, but the pride of our hearts. Let’s choose today between life or death, blessing or cursing, pride or humbleness – so that we and our seed may live.

I bless you with knowing

He is close to the broken-hearted Ps 34:18

Love to you – Retah and family


Ruth, the years in the valley of death was really hard. The octopus is off my mind now. For the first time, guess what? ‘Falling out of the window’ (our accident’s emotional captivity) has ended. They cannot touch me after the dart is out (bitterness or unforgiveness – meaning he did forgive), the python (familiar spirit) is out, hell and death (curse - epigenetic marker) is out – they cannot get to my mind (confuse me) anymore. The soul of Chans is green. (meaning there is life in her now). I am so thankful that ‘suffering’ (depression) has been taken off her. This boy (young man now– but his part that was in the valley of death all the time, a young boy of 12 was being held captive in time and trauma emotions) is so very happy that you understand what happened to me. Please will you pray and deliver people from the occult marker on their lives.

Yes, Aldo is out of the valley of death. It is so light, light, blessing such a blessing, soft, very soft and gentle I was taken out. Aldo’s cry is over.

The peace in me is – all my anger is out. (The broken heart parts always carry anger and pain)

I am so thankful, so thankful that you understand Mom.

I am so happy and thankful for my Mom and Dad. My parents are living in the light. (Your children’s spirits do know when you live a double life, or a life in darkness. We as parents are their gatekeepers).

Are you happy mom? Please remember, you are not the one who saved me. Yeshua, Jesus Christ – He came and delivered me out of the valley of death. Wow, the light in you are really bright. (Something we must always remember – it is not us that save anyone. But He needs us to pray and speak to the valley of dry bones so that His Spirit can enter into the darkness and bring Truth and Light. We are just the vessels that carry His love and His light)

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For years a part of me lived in the valley of death and hell – but now it is all over. (That was the demonic hold over Aldo to steal his destiny in Christ. They will use your pain to keep you captive and to torment you. If you have a hell and death demonic marker on you – they will keep you in that destiny). Jesus Christ gives you your anointing. Everyone that lives in the destiny of hell (soul) and death (soul) needs light. Please keep on praying for them. In my gentle soft thoughts, I can see that ‘suffering’ has ended over us.

Soli Deo Gloria, my wound has been delivered.

Yes, I am so very happy.

You mom, have the anointing of understanding.

Aldo is out of the grave.

Seek first the Kingdom of God. I really do appreciate that you help me so much Mom. It is Lilith, in people (Principality in your soul) that blame others.

Jesus Christ lives in Aldo.

You are truly a help for me. Thank you, thank you very much Mother. Do you know Retah, this child’s cry is over for ever. Your light and your love amaze me. You are light, and you do understand. Please, always pray for us, please Mom.

Evergreen is this firstborn now.

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Will you please teach people, that the Occult (marker) is paid out in the mind that is captive in Lilith’s (demonic) anointing?

Lilith is the Lust - captivity and operates in your senses. (This principality feeds your senses with a lust that cannot be fulfilled. It will drive you into any form of sexual sin. It drips off people, and attract others with the same spirit.)

Your calling really is to help those who stay in bitterness, deep within the ‘valley of death and hell’.

Hearts filled with pride are the reason people don’t want to believe what you say. You are a help to very broken people. Retah, not often is there help to them. Will you please forgive those who say such bad things about you? For years you yourself carried the marker of the valley of death, now you can help others that are in there. (Yes, I did carry that marker, and that is why Aldo received it from me. This week Holy Spirit really showed us things of my life, and then I could understand where the marker came from. Yes, I do understand that battle, but I also know today that - Yeshua has the last say over our lives! And with His Blood we have freedom from hell and the grave). Not very oftenare people prepared to help broken people. Mom, I say sorry, I am so sorry for what you went through. Please keep on healing us all, with your gentle love - Jesus Christ!

Supernaturally you do understand. (what is going on in the spirit – “Only by God’s grace”)!

Jesus Christ is truly exalted when we live an honourable life. (Transparent life)

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