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Stand up against the darkness in and around you

Writer's picture: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

26 November 2020

This is something that I had to look straight in the eyes for the past few years of my life. The darkness in and around me was the effect of sin and evil in our and our generations’ lives. Seeing what is in there really makes you humble.

Even in the news we see the effects of darkness as the hopelessness, fear and uncertainty in man is reported. (From young to old they rather take their own lives). The fruit of pain, no hope, sin and lawlessness are always devastating.

We read in the Bible that there will be unspeakable darkness and a great falling away in the last days before Jesus returns. I am not sure about you, but I never thought that I would be part of the generation that would witness this hour and day.

But this is nothing new. When we read about David and his life story, we see that he lived in a time where his nation also went through spiritual decline and turmoil. King Saul led the nation into self-will which always leads to defeat. The army that was after David wanted to wipe out all that represented God. I look around me and see that our generation and nations also bear fruit of perversion, moral decline, darkness, racism, anger, rage, bitterness and even blood sacrifices. All around us we see the serving of two G(g)ods – one foot in the world and the other foot serving Christ. The result is double-mindedness with no power within.

David cried out to God in Psalm 140:1-2(TPT) Lord protect me from the evil one! Rescue me from these violent schemes! He concocts his secret strategy to divide and harm others, stirring up trouble one against another.

David was talking about his enemy outside, but also his own darkness within. He knew that he was called for something more, something higher than just anger, violence and giving out his opinion 3 verse 6. He was a man who was led and empowered by Holy Spirit. Over and over again he writes:

“Lord Jesus, please guide us, we want to be part of the solution.

Lord, give us Your thoughts, Your mind, Your words, Your strengths, Your Wisdom in this hour.”

David even had to fight Goliath who publicly mocked him, saying: “You have no power to overcome me!” This is how many people feel today. Powerless, defeated and overwhelmed.

But David made some wise choices that day – he refused the armor of Saul – the ways of the world. He rather turned to God YHVH Who was and is faithful to cover and protect him, just as He is this day.

He refused to listen to the voice of a giant, he rather waited for a word from God.

I just love how the Bible says that David COURAGEOUSLY ran into the valley towards Goliath, saying, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied (1 Sam 17:45).

I believe God is calling us to push back the darkness in this hour over our families, our bloodlines and all those we love and care for. Now is the time to stand up and get ready to fight in the spirit.

Ephesians 5:14 Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine (make day dawn) upon you and give you light.

God wants to use your life to make a difference. Christ within will fight for you – but you and I need to sign up; courageously, not only for ourselves but for a generation to come!

Do we react just as deeply to evil in the world as God does?

Let’s make a choice this day, “For me and my house, we will serve the living God YHVH”. I know that God is faithful, and He will never leave us nor forsake us!

Thank you so much to all my friends around the world who walk this journey with us.

Thank you for your love, support as well as your prayers.

Let’s run the race of faith.

Retah and family

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