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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

The Blood of Jesus

I want to cry continually when I think of the blood of Jesus. It only became rhema in my life after our accident. His blood became so precious to me that day I experienced God in ICU and He showed me Jesus on the cross. That day, and that day alone changed my life in one second. One second in the King’s presence will change your life. It was then that I realized what the blood meant for me.

Many people want to know how they can have an abundant life. It is only through Jesus Christ and His blood. Take the blood, and use it. It is there for us, the highest price ever paid! Declare what the blood of Jesus did for you!

Heb 10:23 says, “Hold fast the confession of your hope without wavering, for HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL.” Please do not ever doubt this promise! There is not a day that passes by that I do not proclaim the benefits of the Cross of Jesus Christ for our lives. I believe this is the most powerful plea before God, before the devil, and the whole world. There is power in THE BLOOD OF JESUS. We cannot come to God in our own merit, only through the Blood and death of His Son Jesus Christ! Do you understand that the Blood of Jesus is the Key?

No prayer technique, no degrees, no experience, no important surname or status will get you there. It is only through the blood of Jesus.

The Blood of Jesus unlocks the treasures of the Kingdom of God. Remember to:

  • Plead the Blood

  • • Plead the Cross

  • • Be washed by the Blood daily

  • • Sing about the Blood

  • • Speak the Word daily

  •  Use the bread, and the wine – let it enlighten your body, soul and spirit

  • • Stay in the light and covering of the Blood! Just like a fish needs water to live, the enemy needs darkness

  • • Agree with Christ, “It is finished.”

No darkness can come near the light, and you will receive power over the forces of darkness. One day in Your courts my Lord, is better than a thousand elsewhere! These are weapons of warfare:

  • The Word of God – by speaking life

  • The Blood

  • The Cross

  • The Name of Jesus Christ (This is a strong tower, we are safe in it.)

  • The Blood of Jesus continually cleanses me from all my sin.

  • The Blood made me holy, to be set apart for God.

  •  My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,

  • I am redeemed and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ

  • The enemy has no power over me

  • Through the Blood of Jesus, I am a new creation

  • here was a Passover in my life, from bondage to freedom


My lovely, heavenly Father. Thank you for cleansing us with the Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Lord, I want to take the Blood now and apply it to my spiritual eyes. Open them to the Spiritual realm Father. Lord, wash our ears, so that we can hear Your voice more clearly. We apply the blood to our tongue. Please cleanse it from all wickedness. Please cleanse our hearts, our minds and emotions. Please give us the Mind of Christ. Wash our feet with the blood of Jesus. Wash away all the places we have walked that You did not approve of. We choose to take holy steps and to have holy minds, holy hands, holy hearts, and holy thoughts. Wash us dear Lord, wash us, cleanse us, and purify us. This cleansing can only be through Your Blood. Thank YOU JESUS FOR YOUR BLOOD!

We are going to Umhhlanga on the Natal coast for the long weekend. I just want to be alone with my family for a while. Aldo and Josh will enjoy it there because of the warm seawater. The 1st of April I am leaving for Indonesia for two weeks. I cannot wait to spend time with the people and launching our book. God is great – all the time!

Keep your faith Retha

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