The Foundations of Breakthrough
2 Samuel 5:20 So David went to Baal Perazim and there
he defeated the Philistines. He said, “The lord has broken
through my enemies like a flood.”
Baal Perazim means Lord of the Breakthrough.
Breakthrough – This is something that everyone
desperately wants in life.
“I want you not only to have a breakthrough My child, I
want you to walk constantly and continuously in
breakthrough, so that you can release it everywhere you
go and to everyone you come in contact with.”
Breakthrough is to pass the test! Every day you will write a
“ Breakthrough “ always comes from Me. If you are one
with Me, you will taste the sweetness of breakthrough
every day.” There are many layers of breakthrough, and
one of the greatest is to realize that you yourself have to
die – and Christ has to become more.
Many times, people think they won – but they actually lost
because their hearts did not change in the process.
The salvation which comes from God means being
completely delivered from myself, and being placed then
in perfect union with Yeshua.
When we think of salvation, we think of being delivered
from sin, but it is so much more!
It means that the Spirit of God has brought me into
intimate contact with the true Person of God YHVH
Himself. What a privilege to be one with my Abba!
What a privilege to be one with Him, living in His heart.
Surrender brings breakthrough! Every day, as I die in
myself, I become less and He becomes more. My entire
life becomes consumed with the One to whom I surrender.
In surrendering, we give ourselves to God in the same
way He gave Himself to us – totally, unconditionally and
without reservation.
You beg for breakthrough, yet Abba waits for you to
surrender. As you surrender, the process can start.
The God of this world blinds our eyes that we cannot see
the real condition of our hearts.
But in His presence my dear friend, we always see the
Repentance brings breakthrough. To experience
breakthrough, you have to start with true repentance. You
will find repentance at al depths of His presence. It
mandates humility and express willingness to be
It is so sad to see people always blaming others, without
seeing the condition of their own hearts. How is it that we
cannot see that the test is mine as well as yours? To get
breakthrough, I have to pass the test.
Love brings breakthrough! Love is what holds us all
together. "I AM love, and I AM light and in ME there is no
There is no greater love than His love for us. Remember,
He loved us first. The revelation of His love will increase in
our lives as we spend more time in His presence. The light
of His presence will proceed out of us, and that will carry
”Remember My child – love is a foundation stone. Until
you gain the ‘revelation of love’ that I have for you in the
specific situation you are walking in, your next phase of
the breakthrough cannot occur.”
Breakthrough comes through faith. You cannot have faith
in God without loving God. As your love for Him increase,
your faith will increase.
Grace is a foundation of breakthrough. Grace works
through faith. I believe that great grace is opened up over
our generation to unlock the mysteries of His Kingdom.
Grace to love Him, and I call it great grace that He keeps
on showing me the true condition of my heart.
Then thanksgiving – in my eyes one of the most powerful
ways to experience breakthrough. Thanksgiving moves
the Father’s heart. Thanksgiving is a manifestation of your
revelation of love!
How sad it is to see an unthankful heart, covered up with a
pride mask and a smile of Christianity. An unthankful heart
shows the true condition of your heart. People love to
complain and to find fault in other. That is so much easier
for man, than to be truly thankful. Start counting your
blessings, and stop focusing on all the bad around you.
You cannot experience God when you are focused on
yourself , your pain and all your needs.
No breakthrough will come to you with un thankfulness in
your heart.
Breakthrough, my dear friend, is found in HIM. Serving
those around you as unto Him. Be thankful to those
around you as unto Him. Love those around you as unto
Breakthrough is not to get what you want in life – but to
walk out a transformed into His likeness. That is what I call
I pray that we pass the test – and experience
Love to you all, and stay in His peace, stay in His heart.
Retah and family.