23 July 2019
John 6:13 So accordingly they gathered them up, and they filled twelve [small hand] baskets with fragments left over by those who had eaten from the five barley loaves.
It doesn't matter who you are, I am sure you are trusting God for something very specific in your life. During the years that I have been walking with God, I increasingly realized how the Kingdom keys truly open up God’s Kingdom for His children – supernaturally!
Time and time again have I been humbled by experiencing the power of the key of thankfulness in my life. This Kingdom key opens so many closed doors – which are not opened by might or by power – but, by the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit taught me to use this key many years ago – but, I sometimes forget its power, especially when there is not much evidence of things to be thankful for. But this is how God’s upside-down Kingdom works. When you feel out of control, God is still in control. He knows the end from the beginning. He is currently inhabiting our future. He is in the "to come". He knows everything, but He still waits for us to use the keys – He wants to be there when we see and discover what He has prepared for us. We all have these keys but very few use it.
He knows the provision is ready, because He is the provision. He waits for us to release the power of faith – to unlock the provision with the keys of "thanksgiving". As I read John 6 again, I see that Jesus was not nervous about the amount of people with them. He asked Philip if he would provide food for the people. Philip had to admit to Jesus that he was unable to provide for all the people.
Have you ever felt this way?
Lord, I cannot provide. Maybe you’ve said this about yourself and your own circumstances or that of your family. The first step is the realization that you are unable.
Jesus made them all sit down, and then asked them – What do you have? What can you give Me that I can work with? I want to partner with you.
They only had the little the young boy could give and it wasn't enough.
Give Jesus what you have today – this is so very important! Give what you have and don't just wait for God to give to you. He is able to take your "nothing" and create "something"!
This is a place of abiding in Him, resting in the promise of His provision. This is not a place of arms crossed and waiting for God or others to supply my needs. In this place, there is perfect peace as you watch Jesus demonstrate – as for the crowd – how powerful a tool thanksgiving is.
Jesus lifted up the bread and gave thanks to His Father. The key of "thanksgiving" multiplied the bread and the fish.
Thanksgiving always comes before multiplication.
Thanksgiving is a condition of your heart. You cannot give thanks to your Abba with a hardened heart, or a “You owe me” heart. Being thankful for something that you have faith for – still hope for - is the beginning of unlocking His provision. True thankfulness is the key to open up kingdom doors of supernatural provision.
Whatever you bless and thank God for, will increase in your life. Yes, even if you don't see it yet. Thank Him for what you have today, and see with your eyes of faith His provision in every situation. Speak life as you thank Him.
The next thing I had to learn is that God will only give as much as you expect – that is the faith. God meets us at the level of our expectation. Trust God for one fish and one loaf of bread, and that is exactly what you will get.
The more we know God as our Abba, the more we start thanking Him for today. It doesn't matter what you face today, we focus on Him and thank Him, for He is more than enough, and He provides far more than I will ever be able to.
The challenge is not to tell everyone what you need, the challenge is to use the Kingdom keys – on your face, thanking your Abba, knowing that He will provide in all your needs more than abundantly.
What an amazing journey – walking by faith and not by sight. We serve a faithful God, and what He does for one of His children, He wants to do for all.
We have all received the keys of His Kingdom. It is however, our choice if we are going to use it or not.
Thank Him today for your life, your family, His provision, His kindness, the food you eat, your health and everything you can think of.
In doing so, you will discover that thanksgiving also opens up a fountain of joy in your heart – and the joy of the Lord is our strength.
Let’s celebrate and thank God for He is mighty and worthy to bring Glory.
Today I just want to thank everyone that sowed into our lives all these years. Thank you for your obedience and your love. You are part of my testimony of how these keys of thanksgiving truly open up God’s provision in all facets of our lives.
He is a good, good Father.
I bless you as we walk together and listen to the gentle voice of Holy Spirit as He lovingly speaks to us, "These are My keys, use them, they will open up Kingdom to you as I demonstrated in John 6".
Bless you my dear friend.
What a blessing to be a child of the Most High God.
Retah and Family