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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

The melody of HOPE

Ecclesiastics 3:4 says: There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance.

The only place where I find strength for every day is face to face with Jesus. That is the only place where you will hear the melody of HOPE, which is the melody of your future.

I sat at Jesus’ feet last night till very late just listening to the melody of HOPE that I hear when my head is on His heart.  Yes, I wept; and my tears washed His feet. And as I cried I admitted, ‘Lord, without You I would not be able to go through the storms of life.’

Retha, there is a time and a season for everything.  Don’t you think you should stand up and start dancing on the melody of HOPE? Because that is FAITH My child! You can’t stay at this place of mourning. I see your pain when Aldo is sick, but give me your hand – Mine is stretched out towards you.

The Word of God gives us music to dance to in the healing process as our hearts recover - “for He who promised is faithful!”

‘Come Retha; tell your heart to start beating again.’

“But how Lord?” I ask in my vulnerability.

‘You have to hold fast to your confession of hope My child. Put it on your lips, and confess it day and night.

‘Confess what I, the living God, say about your situation. You must tell your heart to live and rejoice by speaking truth (God’s Word) to it. And you can command your heart to beat again, because I am the author and the finisher of your faith.’

“Lord, am I not in denial?”

‘No  My child – in spite of what you feel or what your circumstances might say – choose to believe My Word and what I say about you. This is not denying the reality of your circumstances but, rather, denying the situation to take control of your life. It is what you choose to believe about your situation that controls you. Choose to hold fast to My promises regarding your situation.

‘So every time when the obstacles come that want to destroy your hope and faith, align yourself with My promises in the Word.

‘Yes, there is an enemy that wants to tell you that you are not going to make it on this road of faith. When this happens you know it is time to be on your face, washing My feet with your tears, and allowing My Word to reign in your heart.’

The Word of God gives us hope to hold on to in Hebrew 10: 19 – 23,

Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

What a wonderful hope we have that Jesus will always be there for us! “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). But you have to go into the presence of God. It is so easy to keep your problems to yourself, and try to fix it in your own strength. God can only change what is in His hands. Surrender all you have to Him, and He will change your hear in your situation, and He will give you a future and a hope! (Jeremiah 29:11). I have learnt that the moment I behold Him face to face, the circumstances around me, and the tribulation in me, lose significance in comparison to His presence. Even life on earth and the things of the world lose its value. The storms of life are no longer my point of reference when He is my focal point.

There is great power in speaking the Word of God to your heart. Without the truth of God’s Word in your heart, it is so easy to believe the lies of the enemy. Here what David spoke to his own heart, when he faced a difficult situation:

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Saviour and my God! (Psalm 42: 5- 6. New Living Translation)

Aldo is having another operation tomorrow to help fix his mouth, and then he and Tinus are flying out to Cape Town on Thursday to go back to the hospital. There is still something wrong with the shunt in his brain. He is not well at all. He doesn’t sleep and can’t keep any food down. He also has no balance and is very confused from time to time, and he is in a lot of pain. He wrote to us and said that Wisdom said his brain fluid is not enough. The Doctors in Cape Town take it to heart what he writes, because they have seen how the Holy Spirit in him was correct when he warned us through his writings in the past. We pray that God will intervene just as He did in December 2008.

‘Mom, the enemy wants to destroy me. Please keep on praying the blood of Jesus over me. Mom, Jesus looks to see people covered with His blood to rescue them,’ Aldo tells me.

I put my arms around Aldo and surround him. Aldo, we will make it! I can feel how God’s grace ministers to both of us and I open my heart wide to receive it.

A peaceful Tinus told me this morning after sleeping with Aldo in his bed, that Aldo kept on speaking to God during the night at the times when he slept. He once said out loud, “Don’t tell me you did not know. I told you but you did not believe me. He is coming to fetch us, and because you didn’t believe you will not come with us.” Tinus laughingly said, “I was shocked! I immediately sat up straight because I thought he was speaking to me – How relieved I was when I saw that he was talking in his sleep, and not saying those words to me!”

Lots of people ask me about Josh, and how he is doing - I can just say that God's favor is upon my youngest! He prospers in whatever he does, and he is still a ray of sunlight in our house. He loves his brother very much, and he is always there to pray for him and to comfort him.

Love concurs all!


Thank you for all the e-mails and the prayers.  I know, that I know, that all the prayers keep us standing. Thank you for lifting our arms in the spirit.

May God bless your spirit!


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