The power in the Blood of Yeshua
2014 was a year where I have once again learned more about the power of His blood. I so hold on to His blood, what a precious gift. This is the most amazing lesson of all that I have learned, and experienced: “The blood of Yeshua carries the ability to re-create.” He re-created my DNA. The blood of Yeshua can repair broken relationships, broken hearts, broken spirits, broken souls, and even broken bodies. It all happens through the process of exchange, the process of trading on the trading floors in the heavenly Court. The blood of Yeshua can re-create broken down structures in the soul, it can enter into cracks and renew and rebuild it all. His Blood can heal our broken heart, our mind and make it all new.
We can go into the memory banks of our heart and the blood of Yeshua can reform and re-create, making it all new. Memories are links in the DNA strand, and are often buried deep because of pain. They are hidden so deep, and instead of bringing it to the Light to be washed by Yeshua’s blood, and being trade through His Blood out of darkness into Light, we hide them. Many dark spirits latch to these memories, and even our seed memories that we inherited, need to be cleansed and traded for the thoughts of Yeshua.
This is the only way that our DNA can be restored to YHVH’s original plan for our lives and beyond. I think it is time to ask Yeshua to clean our spiritual senses so that we can look through the filters of His Blood, and then we will see absolute truth. As we continually walk in His Blood, we and our divine destiny will melt into each other. No lie can live in His Blood, because He is the great I AM, the Truth, the Life and The Way. Yeshua’s Blood re-created us through repentance, it strengthen us and prepares us for our divine destiny. His Blood is a doorway into the supernatural realm of the spirit.
We can take the enemy’s kingdom because there is nothing as powerful as His Blood, and nothing can stand against it. Great news and a hope for all who think there is no way out.
This is what Yeshua did for me this year. He knocked on every cell of my body, because within every cell there is a door. He wants to pervade everything of me and you until we are radiant with His glory. If there is filth, His fire come down and burn it all out. Not always an easy one…. But through all the fire, I found the true self (Retah) and become more and more what I am created for. His fire is more to be desired than gold and silver. His refining fire is the most valuable asset on earth because it prepares us for greatness, a life in Him. Don’t despise His refining and think that Yeshua has turned away from you. Refining develops purity, and then we can walk in the midst of His Glory and in His pillars of fire. The pillars of fire in His courts are the seven spirits of Holy Spirit. And once we walked through these intense fires and never left His side, we start to walk in the realms of the spirit, and we start to understand what it is to walk in the spirit. This is how Yeshua brought divine order in my life, my cells, my mind, my memory and my DNA. He started looking through my eyes, hearing through my ears and speaking through my mouth.
The more His Blood fills you, the more light you will have, and the more light you have, the more life you have! This is His communication place, the place of glory. Where we go into His rest. He is Light and He is Truth – and when we are in light and truth we will find the “resting place.”
“My child you are a chosen vessel to Me. Do not be filled with the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. I will take you into a resting place, IN ME. I want you to be wholesome, simple, and just yourself – humble. Because simplicity and a spirit of humility is a tool to seperate you from all deception out there. Pride lifts itself up, rather than Yeshua. Humility brings you down to the level of service. And I do not want you to be worshiped, but I want you to serve my people. Will you Retah?
This is a new season, and if you want anything Retah, want more of Me! If you long after anything, long after more righteousness, and more of My love in you. My love through you is what I use to change situations. Always remember, your miracle’s name is love! I cannot stay in impure hearts, or hearts that harbour evil and anger. Keep on forgiving, keep on laying down your life.
Keep on teaching My children how to maintain wholeness, and inner cleansing through confessing, repenting, and the power of My Blood.
Remember, the road to holiness is narrow and steep and yes, lonely to. But there is no other road for you. This is the way that I have planned for you; will you keep on walking and always obey my voice?”
Yes Abba, I will. Thank You for never leaving us, and never forsaking us.
I want to thank you all for a wonderful full 2014. Thank you for your love, contribution, care, friendship, and thank you that I can be always transparent and accountable. Thank you that we can learn together, and thank you that you don’t put your eyes on me, but with me on Yeshua our Messiah. I bless you and your precious family with Yeshua’s rest and peace in your life.
Thank you for all my friends in South Africa and all around the world, for always being there for me. I so love you all! I see in you His love and His heart.
Even if it sounds hectic because of us moving to Cape Town, it is not. My heart is so in peace. Step by step we have learned to concur every day.
I took the children to a mall today, and we had lunch. Aldo dropped some food on the floor and for us that is normal by now because he struggles to eat with his left hand. The right hand he cannot use to eat. He bend down to try to pick up the food ( and stay a bit long down) The woman next to us jumped up and grabbed him at his arm – are you ok? We all sat calmly and just look at her. He is fine thank you, we said. He is just picking up his food. ( And I know it might look strange from the outside) But we have learned to handle every situation calmly and in love. She said, ”I thought he had fainted!” We all just laugh. Afterwards she said to me, “How do you handle it all so calm and peaceful?” You know, this is nothing - he just dropped his food, life did not stop! We just learned to live life differently. We don’t wait for the perfect situation to live life to the full, but we have learned to celebrate every day in all its different forms. And yes, it does keep us humble and dependant on Yeshua. We left for the car, and for some reason we struggled to get the wheelchair in and Josh had to help Aldo . Something happened and they fell. They laughed, (Aldo can’t laugh, he only makes a noise that we know is laughing). Eventually we were all in, and ready to go. I looked up and saw the woman followed us. I said to the kids, ”Today this woman saw a strange family”. But here we are, happy and nothing of all this made us weaker, only stronger in Christ.
Bless you my friend - till we speak again.
Retah and family.