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The power of YHVH’s love is greater than any ‘word

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

How I rejoice in my Righteous Father’s love. His love has the greatest healing power. Every problem in the soul of man can be healed by the revelation of the love of YHVH. Our souls can never function perfectly and be restored until we have an understanding of the true acceptance and healing that His love brings. Our souls are full of wounds and the wounds are most often filled with demonic influence or sicknesses that are hidden away. But, we are given a choice – either you choose to stay in the wounds and live out of that brokenness, or you can choose the truth of YHVH and His Glory Light to enter into your wounds and to bring healing. He washes our wounds and heals them with his Blood and Truth that completely sets us free. I meet so many people in my life that are so, so very broken. And then I can also say ‘I know what it’s like’. I can speak out of personal experience on how the enemy used Aldo’s wounds to try to kill him with various sicknesses and lies that were told to him by the enemy.

All of us, no matter who you are, know brokenness – but, I ask you to choose life and His light. The love of YHVH has a life changing ability. Physical healing will be the result as His love reaches into the depths of your soul. Yeshua wants to use us all as a vessel of honour to channel His love.  Every weekend, where I minister, I see that His love brings healing, His grace opens up eyes to expose the lies that are believed; and Truth brings freedom to people. In true love there will be truth. In conditional love there will be lies and masks to hide your deep pain.  It is mostly because of fear that people don’t want to come into the light and acknowledge the true condition of their souls. What a pity that parents don’t understand that they are their children’s gate keepers.  What you hold onto in secret will be passed on to your children in the spirit. This is sooooooo true!

Unless we know the healing power of His love, our personalities can never reach the height of usefulness that YHVH has intended for us.  Have you reached that place – that divine destiny in Christ – there in His heart in the Holy of Holies?

 What are your goals, your dreams?  This can be anything from your own selfish goals to achieve, or maybe it is to have fame and wealth or a big ministry? You see, your goals (dreams) are stones that you use to build a kingdom.   Are you busy building YHVH’s kingdom or your own? There will be a day were the King of Glory will ask you and me – who’s Kingdom were you building with all your lies? Please Yeshua, shake our man-made kingdoms!

Only when you understand His love for you, will you be able to lay all your lies and masks down – all for His Glory and building of His Kingdom here on earth. You will understand life and love. You will understand that every time we impart love, we are imparting life to those receiving our unconditional love.   

Mat 4:4 But He replied, It has been written, Man shall not live and be upheld

and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the

mouth of God.

YHVH is love and every word that He speaks tells of His love for us.

When I look at Aldo and Chantelle, I see YHVH’s beautiful process of revealing all the darkness and lies in their wounds. In these wounds there can be angry thoughts, lies, painful memories, words or wrong motives of their hearts. These can always be found in the trauma or pain in our lives. They face their pain and Holy Spirit brings the truth out. And in an instance I can see how the truth brings light, and in that light there is always love and healing! This is a step by step journey.

It is so very necessary for you to go to your pain, because Satan can only use your DNA, your pain (trauma), and the ‘double’ in you to hurt others. (This subject is so much deeper - how ugly the tactics of Satan is). But, when you cry out to Abba Father and ask Him to reveal it all – He will show you in His soft gentle way. We need to trade our darkness for light, lies for truth and our corruptible seed for the incorruptible seed.

I do not what it any other way. Face your giants and allow Yeshua to set you free!!!

I bless you with Truth.

Retah and family

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