13 August 2013
Times of refreshment help prepare us for our normal everyday lives – not to keep us separate. I see a new thing in the body of Christ - and this is that people don’t want to work, or study anymore – no, they just want to stay at home in the presence of the Lord. I really don’t understand this, because to be in the presence of the Lord is a 24/7 lifestyle. Nowhere can I find it in the Word that Yeshua said stay at home. What I do see is Him sending out His disciples telling them to go and preach the Gospel, to go and bring Kingdom to earth, to go and serve and to go and be His hands and feet – go, go,go!
Why would I not want to go into the world, but isolate myself from everything? Everyday we are confronted with challenges – when you study, when you are a mother at home, or a business man – you are confronted with the world. Yeshua uses all these tests to mirror and show us the true condition of our hearts. He uses these tests to humble us, to make us dependant on Him and Him alone. He wants us to overcome, because unless you overcome the situation, you will not be called an overcomer – the Remnant of Christ. He transforms us into His likeness, and even uses our everyday situations.
YHVH is the God of revival. In His presence He reveals to us more of Himself. He is the life-giving God and He is in the business of bringing back” life “to man –to all who are dead in their souls and spirit. He is the resurrection, He is the River of life, He does the work – but we need to be His hands and feet.
When you are one with Him, His presence is all over and in you – not only when you stay at home. I wake up in the morning saying ”Morning Abba Father, morning Yeshua, morning Holy Spirit – I cannot live for one moment without You – When I have You I have ‘life’- I have everything, I have abundance and I can face everything – because Christ in me is the hope of Glory! You are truly the treasure of my heart. I thirst for You like a dear thirst for water. My only rest and peace is in You and You alone. You are my shelter from within, you dwell in the heart of those who have childlike faith, who have silence within their hearts and live out of that place of peace.”
Confront your daily difficulties out of that place of peace – from the heart of YHVH. I hear these people say – “I have renounced and am no longer part of the world that is why I stay at home and can’t study or work.” My friend you cannot renounce the world as long as you are in the world. Where will you go not being in the world? You can only renounce the world through death. YHVH has put us on the earth to move, to live and to be, to impact - to BE His hands and His feet! Yeshua’s will is that we may apply the things of this world in the right way, so that we would be preparing ourselves a spiritual home.
How do I still live life in this world? - Through fellowship with YHVH and Yeshua through Holy Spirit. In fellowship with Him we experience peace that is totally unknown to the world. I desire this intimacy more than anything else. From this place the world cannot draw me in. Rather I can give to the world of what I have – Christ in me. I can bring Kingdom to my workplace, to the congregation, to the school or university – to where ever I go. More than ever before the body of Christ need to be so aware of the voices out there. Mat 7:22 Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord,have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? Don’t be fooled by people’s gifts, make sure you seethe fruit of Holy Spirit! Let’s make sure we bring Kingdom to earth and live life to the fullest. Faith is not about hiding – faith is trust in YHVH in every situation I face. Faith is having my feet on the ground – and living life to the full!
Let’s serve YHVH with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and love all around me as myself. Then selfishness and self-centredness will flee from our hearts and we will become sons of YHVH. Our being in this world is a time of preparation -preparing us in the school of the Spirit - for all eternity.
Let’s run the race of life –
Love - in spite of not being loved in return.
Give - without wanting anything in return.
Serve – without being served.
Bringing Kingdom – even in a world filled with evil.
You are called to be sons of YHVH –go and let the world see and experience His love in you.
1Co 13:13 But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do- Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.
Love you all.
Retah and family.