Luke 3:16. John answered, saying to all, “I came to baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”
The baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire will change your life forever. I know that YHVH is now sending fire upon His children so that we will be convicted to look at the condition of our hearts. I have experienced the power of His fire on my life. This is why I keep on asking Him to put His Fire in my wounds and all of my being! The more Fire, the more of the dirt and snakes come out. Now, like never before, we need to put our hands on our own hearts. We have to stop pointing a finger at everyone else. We need to take full responsibility for our lives and what is going on in our hearts.
YHVH is preparing His bride to be ready and that is why you will testify of the divine fire that came upon your life, but understand this, it is to clean our souls.
YHVH and His Holy Spirit are like a refining fire. So many times we go through difficult situations, but remember the fire is purifying us as we humble ourselves and repent before the King. But why do people sometimes go through difficulties, without being changed?
Trials can be a result of our own disobedience and sin in our lives. A stubborn hardened heart gives the enemy free access into our lives to do whatever he wants. YHVH’s fire can only come into this situation (this pain, this battle) when we repent from a place of humbleness, asking His fire to come and burn and expose the snakes as well as the root of the problem. Many times people’s hearts become hard as they go through trials, because they want the situation to be fixed without YHVH’s fire and His blood. There are no shortcuts. Fire has the ability to change the form of everything! It can even change a stubborn, prideful heart into a humble gentle heart.

Letter Translation:
"Wisdom says, His fire in my wounds bring forth the anointing of a humble heart."
I have also seen that trials are like tests. In these fiery tests we will be led by Holy Spirit to stand, to go to Court in heaven, to fight, to pray and to overcome the situation. Yeshua uses every trial that we surrender into His hands to make us grow in maturity. And at the end it always works together for our good. He uses all things, even our journeys through the valley of death to show us that He will never leave us and never forsake us. He teaches our hands to war just like David’s. He uses our trials to humble us and to experience His life changing fire!
1 Peter 4:12-13 Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad – for these trials make you partners with Christ in His suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing His glory when it is revealed to all the world.
There were times in my life where I was in the midst of the fire, everything of me burned. The humbleness of this place is – that all the dirt inside of you comes out in the fire – out of yourself. It brought me to a place of repentance, and into the journey of dying to self. Yes, you ‘die’ when you enter His fire! But you are never alone, He is always with you. His fire has a complete life changing effect. It brought me face to face with the King. As you experience His Shekinah glory, you will know that your life will never be the same. One second in His presence and you will ‘die’. DIE TO SELF! It is the fire that makes you completely transparent. Your whole being shouts out – Holy, Holy, Holy is He! His presence is always in that fire. He is the all consuming fire. And the beauty is that He wants us to walk in that fire – to be baptised with the fire. To be immersed in the fire, just as canned fruit has soaked in the syrup. Being consumed.
Yeshua wants us to be so filled with His Holy Spirit and Fire; that we can go and do what He asks. Not in our own strength, but in His dunamis (miraculous) power.
YHVH showed up in the burning bush and Moses saw the glorious manifestation of the fire. That fire - the ‘power’- gave him the strength and ability to go to Pharaoh and tell Him, “Pharaoh, thus says the Lord, let My people go.”
It is in that strength, the dunamis power of YHVH that we can confront the darkness around us and in us. It is Holy Spirit in us that enable us to stand and to fight the good fight of faith.
More than ever we need His fire and His Holy Spirit.
Call unto Him and He will answer! If you want to pray for your families, pray His fire to manifest in their wounds and in their hearts. Yeshua will do the rest!
We are doing very well. It is the end of the year and exams for Josh. We had a friend from Argentina with us for a week. We so enjoyed him. He went with us to the Spirit school in the Paarl and I want to thank everyone that embraced him in love. Aldo went with to the Spirit school and prayed for the men. It was a wonderful humbling experience for me seeing how Yeshua moved in true love. At night the children played volleyball with Aldo.
Pablo you really enriched our lives. Thank You Abba for having friends all over the world. We love you all!
Remember – His fire changes lives!
Love to you - Retah and family