20 March 2013
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always); Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly]; Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].
The moment you experience self-pity you must know that you are holding all your problems in your hands and are refusing to allow Holy Spirit to search your heart. People cling to their problems, frustrations, disappointments and hurts instead of turning it all over to Yeshua. Why do we struggle to hand it over? Maybe it is because the enemy wants us to become so pre-occupied with our situations that we start to listen to the giant voices inside of us instead of making a decision to surrender all our thoughts and emotions to Yeshua. A broken and immature heart easily falls into self-pity. We are so thirsty for attention that we love and enjoy the attention that comes when others feel sorry for us.
The love and heart peace we all long for is only found on our knees, where we pour out all our pain into Yeshua’s waiting and capable hands. Sometimes, even our daily problems, responsibilities and pressures overwhelm us and this too is the enemy’s plan. Thoughts of ‘no body understands me - nobody loves me or knows what I’m going through, I have too many responsibilities , I am not even sure if Yeshua loves me,” are for me dout of self pity - a character trait of Satan.
What are the words that your Abba breathes over you today? ‘My beloved child, I want to expand you, I want you to increase your working capacity to serve Me, I want to enhance your personal life and I want you to know and understand more of Me. It is your pride that keeps you in self-pity. You keep on trying to do everything out of your own strength instead of being dependant on My strength and love.
The more hurt, oppressed and misunderstood you feel, the easier it is to fall into self-pity. A renewed mind keeps on making new patterns. It is a battle to break all the negative patterns, the old thought processes, but as long as you can see them you can ask Holy Spirit to help you. Invite Him into your pain and keep on doing so until it no longer exists. Ask Him to show you the lies that you believe to be real. Remember the Word says ‘as a man thinks so he is’ and this causes you to live your life in and through that lie. The key is to ask Him to show you the truth, because the truth shall set you free! I know this works, because I keep on praying this in all Aldo's pain, and then I see how he starts seeing the truth through Holy Spirit’s eyes. Just keep on praying, because Yeshua moves when we pray, not when we are having a pity party. Self-pity feeds your pride and is never satisfied, because self demands more and more!
Abba, in Yeshua’s name we just kneel before You and want to repent of our selfish hearts. I do not rejoice in all my situations as Your Word teaches me. I was stuck in self-pity, I kept on complaining and comparing myself to others. Please forgive me that I could not see that You are molding me. I felt so sorry for myself and that kept me away from You. I could not see that any good could come from going through these trails, but today, I choose to trust You. Please help me to die in self, and to think of others and not only about myself. Please help me to break this evil circle of self-pity and self-centeredness in my life. Today, I choose to turn to You and I am asking You to mold me into Your image. Thank You for helping me to see that through pity it is only me and my hardened heart that suffers. I love you Yeshua, I love You!
Josh and I are leaving for USA today. His little heart is so excited. When I look at Josh I see the result of Yeshua’s love and care which has made him strong and courageous - he understands His love. In my own life I know that everything is because of "Love". He keeps on teaching me ‘Retah, it is all because I love you, even in this that you are working and praying through now. I take your hand in love and I want to lead you through it. Don’t make an idol of your pain, don’t allow self-pity. Lift your head and walk in My love. Nobody needs to see it on your face, because you have Me and My love for you and therefore you can walk a walk of faith and not one of self-pity.’
For me this is such a special trip with Josh. There were so many, many nights when Aldo was sick that we could not give Josh our attention. He went to bed by himself and did all his school work himself. One night I went to his room and sat at his bed "Abba, Abba please help me, I am not always there for Josh and he has to go through all these difficulties without a hands-on mom. Will you please always keep him in the palm of your hand, please Lord! I stood up and just trusted Him with my eyes closed. Today, I look at Josh and see a child that is molded by the most High God, YHVH. He has joy, peace, love and you will never ever hear him complain, because he sees and has learned that Aldo also never complains. Josh knows that all is well because He lives and therefore we can face tomorrow.
‘Always remember’, said Yeshua to me. ‘your miracle’s name is Love. So go and love others, love Me and enjoy My love for you.
I bless you with loving your King in all situations, trust Him in all situations. He is faithful and not a man that He can lie. How I love you Abba!
This morning Aldo kept on asking me, but when is it my turn to go again? All in YHVH’s time Aldo!
Love you all and thank you so much for all the calls from around the world with the chat Box day! I bless you with Kingdom in all your life.
Celebrate life and live with enthusiasm
Retah and family

God says we will be amazed at the power that we will have when we trust in Him.
God says you were obedient mum. Those who is last, will be first.
Be as holy as God expects you to be.