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The work of Holy Spirit

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

1 September 2012

It is Saturday afternoon, in a very, very far away country – India. I am here in the Slum villages – a 5 hour drive out of Hyderabad city, where not many white people come. Why am I here? We don’t often understand that when Yeshua will come to fetch His bride – that she will come out of every tribe, every tongue and from every nation around the world. People said to me “But Retah, they are mostly worshipping idols?” Yes, I know, but so are the Westerners. Our idols are just not the same.

Little children, keep yourselves from idols (false gods) – from anything and everything that would occupy the place in your heart due to God, from any sort of substitute for Him that would take first place in your life.  I tell you the truth 1 John 5:21.

In the west we make gods of things such as our children, money, or your car, it can even be your home, job or your body? Anything that you love more than God YHVH is an idol.

Then people will ask me, how do you go as a woman to the Slum areas? Very easy, I come from Africa, and we are used to this kind of conditions. We have learned not to judge people according to where they stay, or the color of their skin. I have met the most precious people here. Pastor Simon is a young man who came out of a Hindu family and today he serves Yeshua. He is head of a group of churches here in the Slums. Obedience to God YHVH’s will, for his life, is so important to him. He teaches the people integrity and excellence. The different projects that they have teach the community to be reliable, creative and prepare them to accept their challenges. Here, in the Slums they face many challenges. While we are here it is Monsoon rain time, and the power failures are one of their biggest challenges. Well, for me it was nothing new, because we also face electricity challenges in Africa.  I saw some beautiful fruit of the Spirit as well as discipline and reverence. We spend time together as he was the interpreter while I ministered. Holy Spirit flowed  through the congregation in different ways. We could pray for the sick, the lame and for all those who are hungry for the Truth. One of the special things for me to see is how accountable he is for all his work. You can take a look at his Face book profile, ( and if Holy Spirit speaks to you, the work that they do here are very good grounds to sow your seed in. I would not want people to put money for India into our ministry, but rather direct into theirs. 

As I ministered to the people, I once again saw how Holy Spirit flowed as people opened their hearts and souls for Yeshua’s love. Holy Spirit will always draw His Bride closer to Him - if not, then it was the work of the flesh. Holy Spirit doesn’t only come to bring healing and miracles, or to make us feel better. No, every one of His workings has a Divine purpose –“He is preparing a bride!”

The work and ministry of Holy Spirit is to wean us from the world, from ourselves, our flesh and our idols. He wants to create in us a longing for a love relationship with Him, where we can love Him, trust Him and enjoy Him.

Holy Spirit gently shows us what is still blemished in us. Mostly this is our own selfish desires and abilities and because of these things we don’t fully trust in Him. He wants to teach us to turn our eyes away from ourselves, our situations and our positions – to focus on Him alone – giving us a passionate desire to be with Him.

I am back in my room after a long day’s ministering. Because of the monsoon rains the night time open air services were cancelled – I become still on my face thanking Yeshua for His Holy Spirit that did all the work. Him alone touched hearts -nothing of man can change a heart.

Maybe, today, it is a good time for all of us to ask Holy Spirit to search our hearts.  Is our love and lust for sin more than our love for the King? Is our love and obsession with our idols more than our love for our King Yeshua? Or are we just serving both? This is rebellion against YHVH.

Father, in Yeshua’s name I ask You to search our souls to see where we are still subject to our carnal natures and lusting after sin. Show us, Westerners, our idol worshipping. Help us to see Lord were we serve two Gods. We want to repent and yield to Your will. Please remove all our worldly passions and impart Your Divine Nature into every area of our lives. Thank you, for the Blood of the Lamb, we take up Your yoke, and we find rest for our souls.

The roads in India are filled with cattle and cars that drive as they wish. But not once were I afraid, even after we just came out of our accident a few weeks ago. I could just feel the peace and the presence of the most High God YHVE in me, with me.  Tinus could not come with me, but I am so thankful that I did come because this was a divine appointment from Yeshua.

I believe Yeshua wants His bride to enter into the secret place. We need to shut the door of flesh so that we can enter.  This is for all of us – it doesn’t matter where you are on this earth.  The world with all its glamour steals from us the most wonderful gift -  “a hidden life with God in His sanctuary”. The life in India is as busy as the lives in the rest of the world. And here in my humble hotel room I just wonder how few people has found this “secret place” where nothing can steal the peace in your heart. Not even your situations, not even your pain – a place hidden from the world and all its idols. How thankful I am that even if the streets are so busy, my heart is at peace in the secret place with the Most High God YHVH.

But when you pray, go into your most private room, and closing the door, pray to your Father, Who is in secret, and your Father; Who is in secret, will reward you in the open Mat6:6.

I greet you out of the Slum areas in India. I will only be back in South Africa, as YHVH permits on Wednesday the 5th of September. I bless you with His peace in your hearts where ever you are in the world.

Shalom  - Retah

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