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They call it Africa, I call it home

Writer's picture: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

18 November 2012

At our international arrivals there is a huge sign “They call it Africa, but I call it home”. Every time I see this I say ‘Thank you Lord for the privilege to stay in Africa’.

I am doing a weekend seminar at a conference centre outside of Pretoria - in the bush. It is a very humble room, with a clay bathroom, clay shower, clay floors and even the bed and walls are all of clay - covered only by a thin thatch roof. Friday was a very, very hot day - especially here in the bush. Then Friday night a real African storm hit us. I phoned home and Tinus explained how bad the storm wa swith them and that our roof tiles were flying all over the place like birds in the sky. Are you OK he asks? Yes, my little clay home stood the test.  And once again God said ‘None of these things matter - you can’t take them with simplify Retah,simplify your life!’

Saturday afternoon we had a break and so many people were baptized. Later that afternoon I sat outside and enjoyed the peace and the beautiful African sunset. I attentively listened to the sounds of all the different animals. In the peace I could hear YHVH’s voice so much better. I had a good time with God and just enjoying what He spoiled me with at that moment. I thanked Him for life and the goodness of Him. The next moment a Zebra came out of the bush and walked right upto me - he was not scared at all. I waited silently to see what his reaction was going to be when he sees me sitting in the bush. Well, he walked right up to me, so, so close and put his face next to mine - I grabbed my phone and took the picture. “Dear Lord, how You spoiled me today!” He came and gave me a kiss and walked on. As I sat in wonder over this kiss, a group of Springbucks came, and peacefully wondered around me enjoying the grass as if it was a five star meal. I sat in awe and say” Thank you Abba for the privilege to stay in Africa”.

Yes, things are tense in our country at this moment with the mining and farm worker strikes. Farms are burned down and people are angry.  But you know, I think in all this we are just forced to take up our position as watchman on the walls. For too long people were not totally dependent on Christ alone, and did not pray with their swords in hand. That is what YHVH trained us for in the last couple of years. Aldo kept on saying, ‘Don’t cry Mom, He is training you for what is coming in the world.’ Now I see how many people do not even know how to be a watchman on the wall of their homes, because their hands are not trained to fight.  I don’t even speak about being a gate keeper for your children, are you? Now is the hour that all will see who your God is. Because you serve the one you fear. If you fear man, you serve man, but if you fear God, you serve God, and obey His voice.

We are leaving for Israel on Monday the 19thof Nov. And you ask what about the war? My friend this is the hour that the book of Daniel speaks about. No time to have fear. You need to know your God and trust in Him and do what He asks of you. No waters that cover the world or earthquakes, or storms, or wars, or hate, or not having electricity should faze you - in all of this Yeshua asks us not to be afraid. That is why it is so important for you and me to be in a love relationship with Yeshua, so that you would bean chored in Him. And even as the storms hit us, we will stand. Because we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conductourselves by our conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] not by sight or appearance(2 Cor 5:7).

I truly believe that life will be easier for all of us when we completely surrender to Him. This could include your possessions, power and goals - even your life.  The surrendered life is the act of giving back to Yeshua the life he granted you. It is relinquishing control, rights, power and direction, all the things you do and say. It is the total resigning of your life into his hands, to do with as He pleases. When I look at the life of Yeshua, I see a surrendered life. Joh 6:38 I came down from heaven, not to do mine will, but the will of Him who sent me”. I seek not My own glory (8:10) The reason why Yeshua fully surrenders to the Father should motivate us to also live a surrendered life. This is not a matter of choice  even Yeshua had to live His life on earth in that manner.

Joh10:17-18  For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My ownlife--to take it back again. 18  No one takes it away from Me. On the contrary, I lay it down voluntarily. I put it from Myself. I am authorized and have power to lay it down to resign it and I am authorized and have power to take it back\again. These are the instructions (orders) which I have received as My chargefrom My Father.

Yeshua is saying to us that no man forced Him to take up His cross. He had a choice in passing the cup of suffering and thereby avoiding the cross, but He chose to do it out of love. So many people today want to exchange their crosses, or pass the cup. Our Abba Father has given all of us the same right, to choose a surrendered life. You are not forced, but have a choice to enter into His peace in the Promised Land.

This place has nothing to do with the situations you are facing, but focuses on Christ in you – the peace of YHVH IN you - even with dark times surrounding you. I tell you, that this is one of the greatest gifts we have as His children – peace in our hearts in the midst of everything. I start to understand every day more and more what “faith in Christ” means. It brings Kingdom to earth, peace in your life and fullness in Him.

You can go as deep as you want in Christ. You can trust Him completely or not, you can have fear or choose faith in Him.

Life is all about choices. Choose life, so that you and your decedents may live!

I bless you my dear friend to know the Master restorer of broken hearts, the Master Protector in the darkest hour, the Master deliverer out of the deepest pit. I call Him ‘Abba’- my Father, my Protector, my Provider, my Healer, my Deliverer, - the Lover of my soul.

I will keep you updated out of Israel.

Live life to the fullest, enjoy every moment – because Yeshua loves you!

Retah and family.

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