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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

three weeks at the healing school

It was an amazing three weeks at the healing school – Aldo enjoyed every moment of it. They learned how to walk in faith and speak words of life. None of this was new to him, but he built on the foundation that was laid. It was good for him to minister to the very sick people and to see that there are many others who depend on God for every breath they take. Well, this is for you and me too. We all need to get to a place where we know that even the air we breathe is all because of God’s grace. God is a good God, and He is the only one we can put our hope and trust in. He is the Healer – make sure your eyes stay on Him alone. 

Through the manifestation of His Word, His power can flow through you. That is why it is so important to have His word in your spirit. To receive Gods healing by faith is like eating your plate of food. It is bite by bite. After every bite you have to chew – and as it enters into your stomach it gives you strength. The more food you eat, the stronger you will get. Stay in the word, eat the word, and trust God! Believe God when He says He is in control. Make sure that you look into His eyes to see the map of where to go for today and do not listen to the world!!!

Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the living God. The Lord of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of the Lord. It is He that takes us by hand, and led us through the water and the fire (Isaiah 43). Make sure you are filled with Holy Spirit, and that you stand in a love relationship with Him. Under the grace of God you will be able to hide from the onslaughts of the enemy. There you will find the anointing, and the anointing breaks the yoke. There; you will lack nothing!

Holy Spirit will work mightily bring low every mountain that hinders you from God’s purpose. Our own might and power is nothing compared to God’s mighty hand.  We have to let God fight for us, and in order to do that – we need to stand back and hand over. Great mountains shall become plain as we rest in Him under the cloud of His grace. To rest in Him, is when I take my eyes off man, or my own abilities and focus only on God.

That means – it is going to be a lonely road. When you are alone, you can hear so much better.   

Aldo is back to school this week, with his eyes fixed on Jesus. I just realized again that he is always going to be different than my old Aldo. But God doesn’t look at it that way - He uses him powerfully just the way he is! He does not need to be perfect on the outside; he just needs to be willing.

I cried many times at the healing school when I saw what compassion he had on the people. He could not sit still for the long sessions, and when I went looking for him I would find him at the very sick of the sick. Just praying for them, or telling them stories. Many times the stories did not even make sense, but he just wanted to be with them. Sometimes what he wants to say still comes out wrong but his love makes up for all of that. Don’t we all want to be perfect, so God can use us? I have news for you - God only wants a willing heart. That is all you need.

God gave Aldo wisdom through the Holy Spirit at the healing school to minister to the people. He would speak into people’s lives, and their eyes would fill up with tears as they listened to his slow, monotone voice telling them of truths about themselves he had no way of knowing about. He said to an older gentleman “Sir, you need to forgive your son, if you want to receive your healing”; “Ma’am, remember it is only Jesus that heals”; “Sir, you need to lay down your life, it is not about you”; “Sir, why are you here?”

Even to Miss Patrys. The one night while sitting at a session she cried allot but no one really knew why. Aldo just looked at her, put his arms around her neck and said “Miss, He was your boyfriend here on earth – lent to you by God”. Afterwards she told me she was missing her husband allot that died a while ago. There was no way Aldo could have known that was the reason for her tears, except if the Holy Spirit told him to comfort her. 

I was confronted again in this time with the thought Do you really trust God Retha? Do you trust Him that His plans and His ways are the best? Do you trust Him that He will make a way where there seems to be no way? Do you trust Him that He is never late? Do you trust Him so much that you can enjoy today with all its imperfections. Do you trust God to the point where you can say - my eyes are fixed on Jesus alone?

The healing school was a wonderful place to be. It was so good for me to see how Aldo loves ministering to the people, and that his disability did not bother him at all. Some days would be more difficult than others, because the sessions were long and he is only a teenager. But it was also good to see that he is just normal!

Jesus loves us, and we will survive the struggles of life if we stay in His love, abide by the rules of love, which are patience, longsuffering and joyfulness – no matter how difficult the situation may seem. STAY IN HIM!

I learnt allot from the healing school and God used it to remind me He will use you just the way you are, you just need to be willing – not perfect. Don’t push God for perfection; His power is in our weaknesses.

Thank you very much to everyone who helped us, through prayers, finances and encouragement to reach all our goals. Without you we would not be able to do what we are doing. I can see Gods hand in everything we do, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every ounce of support we receive.

We Praise God for you and your love.


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