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To know the Truth is to live the Truth

Writer's picture: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

7 December 2016

To know the Truth is to live the Truth

There is a lot of deception out there, but Yeshua said to us, ”The Truth shall set you free”.

Truth penetrates deeper and reaches further than lies, and with Truth comes light. Walking in darkness always carries the fruit of lying, the fruit of rejection, the fruit of bitterness, unforgiveness and many more. Knowing the truth is one thing, but embracing the Truth and living the Truth makes the difference, because man still has a free will to embrace the Truth, or reject the Truth.

The Spirit of Truth has to manifest itself in our lives. But you have to choose Truth. We can ask in every situation the Spirit of Truth to come, and the light will overcome darkness in you. Darkness spread ‘fog’ over the mind of man, and that becomes a breeding place for deception and delusion. The deception is all you can see in the mirror inside the wound. That is why we need the Spirit of Truth to show us His point of view, His Truths, and that is all that matters.

The Word tells us to ‘Gird our loins’ with the ‘Belt of Truth’ so that the full release of Yeshua’s anointing for our end-time commission to come in place. We cannot carry that anointing with darkness in us.

There is no reason for us to stay in darkness, because Yeshua said in Isaiah 61, “I came to set the captives free, and to heal the brokenhearted”. What a blessing to become whole and to find healing for your soul.

The deception in us about the true condition of our hearts is one of the greatest challenges we all face every day. No man can give you these deep truths and because of the pain in the wound you only believe yourself. It is only by His Spirit! I call it pure ‘grace’ the day our Abba Father puts His glory light on our heart, and we start seeing our true condition. That place where you can lift your hand and say, “Yes it is true, I am guilty, I am broken, I lived a double life, I lied, I am in denial, I have pride, I judge others”. That my dear friend is one of the greatest gifts our Abba has for us – and it is called Truth. It is never easy to see or admit, but Truth has power, and it is His Spirit of Truth that sets us free. Breakthrough comes only when we can repent with a true heart. Then light comes in. Where there is light, there is life! Where there is darkness, there is death!

I will never forget when Aldo was still in a coma, and could not speak but only write – He wrote to me “Abba Father showed me that we are the Laodicean Church mom!” Today I know what YHVH showed Aldo was not only the condition of my heart, but also this generation’s heart. Many people live in this delusion that they have everything and do not need anything from God YHVH. They can work hard and earn what they want. We don’t even understand how we are in need, and that our lives are to become shipwrecked without Holy Spirit’s leading and light of truth . Today I know that this is how deception sounds. When we see ourselves from Yeshua’s perspective, we will see that we are poor, blind, naked, miserable, living in darkness, fear and carrying many dark fruits, thoughts and words on our tongues.

You either have the spirit of deception or the Spirit of Truth operating in you. We can overcome this enemy and that is what it is all about. Yeshua wants us to become ‘overcomers’.

How do I overcome this deception and darkness that I inherit (epigenetics) from my generation? By Truth! Embrace the Truth, taking responsibility and start the process of trading my darkness and lies for light and Truth. We must die in self, which happens when we face the Truth and embrace the Truth, receiving forgiveness, mercy and healing. It is never easy to face this darkness when the Truth is revealed. It is very hard and that makes us die to self! It makes you humble my friend. But as we start sharing in Yeshua’s divine nature and character, we can confront the same counterfeit occurrences as an overcomer. We are not adequate in our own strength to triumph over these dark deceptions in our seed and blood. We cannot even recognise them without the Spirit of Truth’s leading. It is only in His strength that we are made strong and equipped to prevail over all that the enemy can deliver on our plates. So many of us are getting side-tracked and end up on detours or just dead-ends. You see, all the forces of hell will be released against the Church in the great end-time battle. We have no choice other than to get all the darkness out of us now – today!

When a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it is for the purpose of producing multiplied grains of wheat like the original seed. In order for me to be an overcomer, I must die so that I can become more like my King every day. That is my promise and my destiny, and I am not going to settle for anything less. But to have that nature, I Retah, have to run after Truth, I have to seek Truth on my face – so that He can exchange the lies in my heart for the truth of my Abba. We all have that choice.

So today when you hear this message – choose life so that you may live life!

It is the end of the year, and in South Africa it is our summer holidays season. Our office will reopen the 9th of January 2017.

I want to thank each and every one that walks this journey with us. I am so not qualified to do what I do, but my Abba keeps on telling me that He qualifies us, nothing of ourselves. But He also knows that there are things that I can do, and things that I am not so good with. That is why He always send people on my path to help me. He pinpoints people for the weekend’s seminars to organise and plans them, then others who helps with my editing, others who contribute monthly or whenever He puts it on your heart. Sometimes as I walk in at a Spirit School I just see how people started selling the cd’s at the cd table. No one asked you to help me, you just do it? Thank you, so thank you for your heart to help me. We all together make a team. We are all part of His wonderful Kingdom and what we have, we can offer unto Him. Then we will see how Yeshua Himself builds this Kingdom in people’s hearts. We all are just vessels of His honour. Many, many times I am so humbled by the fact that I know that there are many people in the services that has so much more knowledge than me. And then Holy Spirit just whispers in my ear – “It is not what you have or what you know my dear child, it is where you live. ‘IN ME’ are all you ever needed. Just stay IN ME”.

What a humble amazing place – in our Abba’s Heart – the promised land.

May you and your family have a wonderful time of rest. I bless you with His love, peace, truth and kindness. Let the law of Kindness be on your lips this season. I love you all, and thank you for embracing us with so much love.

YHVH God bless you all. Retah and family.

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