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What is on the drawing board of your life?

Writer: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

5 July 2019

It all starts with a vision!  In order to make the vision – downloaded by Holy Spirit – a reality, we need to draw it on the tablets of our hearts. As we focus on the drawing and speak to Holy Spirit about the plans involved, our minds are being shaped into believing.

Focusing on other people and their opinions will dampen your dream and will limit its capacity to become reality.  Nothing in your life will change if you wait on and focus on other people. Young people are often more focused on other’s lives than on their own.  What you gaze upon, you become.

Do you want to become what God intended you to be? Or are you content with dreaming someone else’s dreams? The truth is another person’s dream and vision can easily become a means of escape for you. God wants us to be so focused on His dreams for us – our unique journey on earth. He wants us to be excited about our lives with Christ – His calling and destiny for us.

You cannot live someone else's life!  As we focus on someone else’s life, the enemy takes the gap and steals our own redundant ones.

It is time to reprogram our minds.  It is time to identify the distractions in our lives. It is time to resurrect our dreams and to start dreaming new ones. It is time to pursue and focus on our dreams.

Our negative thoughts, our self-pity, our passiveness, gossiping, drugs, alcohol, living through our children, video games, shopping, movies and our many insecurities are all stealing our dreams and goals.

We need to get ourselves back into God’s plan for our lives. Back to the drawing board – asking Him to partner with us as we dream. If there is nothing on the drawing board – we are going nowhere!

Obsession is something that steals from many people. Just consider for a moment what you spend most of your time on, most of your emotional energy on and most of your thoughts on. It is time to ask ourselves – what are we busy with?  What absorbs our time?  What are we obsessed with and why?

When God gives us a dream, it is like a seed that He plants in our hearts. If you allow it, you become pregnant with the seed and you get to dream, think, plan, grow and prepare until the day of birth.

Ecclesiastes 5:3  For a dream comes with much business and painful effort.

That is the reason why many people abort their dreams before it reaches full term. To have a dream, is to renew your mind and to focus on the plan, speaking to The Architect daily, developing the plans step by step.

You cannot get distracted in the process. Yes, it takes effort. It becomes uncomfortable and you have to push. It is many a time a painful process to experience the miracle of a dream being birthed. Embrace the sacrifice and the suffering because this is an indicator of nearing the end of the process. Any woman would know this as truth.  

The more suffering, the closer to breakthrough.

Interestingly the world programs us into believing that when we suffer, we are on the wrong path or doing something wrong? We are shaped to believe that when we suffer, or have set-backs, or painful experiences, we need to stop immediately!  We need to go and do something else, escape, flee, go to the gym or start running!  

But what would a mother in labour say? “Push, come on push! Focus, keep on pushing, it is all worth-while!!! Life is coming, just hold on. Push!”

The prize is supernatural – any dream that you dream with God is ‘Supernatural’.

Let’s realign ourselves once again with God’s dream for our lives. Go back to the drawing board.  Go and sit on The Dream Giver’s lap. Look into His eyes and dream. If there is no dream on the drawing board, you will always focus your attention on other people’s lives.

You have your own life to live. Don’t give up, because if you do you will never be completely satisfied. You will always feel unsettled, and unfulfilled.

When you are pregnant, you are expecting. Many people abort their dreams – losing the wonder and expectation.  Let’s go back to our Abba Father and put our expectations in Him alone. Work on your dreams, stay in communication with God.

The enemy loves to steal dreams. John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). 

Don't be passive! Nothing in life happens when we are passive. We need to get up and take that risk.  Take that first step, in faith, with God.  It is so easy to say, "I will just sit and see what happens, God will do it for me". My friend – faith without works is dead!

Waiting on God is not a passive place, a static place. No, you are seeking His face and putting your trust in Him. You spend time at the drawing board, and choose to have a positive attitude.

Ps 27:13 [What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living! 

I hold on to this!!!! This is the plan on my drawing board for me and my generations.

Living God’s dream for your life is going to ask this final stamp – “Not my will but Your will Abba”.

We need to let go of selfishness, die to self and allow God to draw on our hearts. We have to die to our plans, our will, our timing, our reputation – always being in control, always being right. We have to pray, “I lay my will down today.”  

Christ showed us how, as He laid down His life for us. God is ready to start building our dream as we lay down our lives, surrendered to Him.

This is not always an easy process, but it is a dream filled with ‘true life’.  Ask any mother.

I bless you today with finding and living your God-given dreams.

Bless you on your journey

Retah and family

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